
Updates (March 29, 2024)

Life: When you are done your thing, socialize more and network – Seems like I need to work with my friends more. It is getting boring and stagnating a bit. Need socializing a bit after.

Life: Just accept it – Life for myself is just doing what I like mentally for work and improvement. I should just enjoy my life doing what I love and see where it goes. That is what is for a Vietnamese man I guess. Years of hard independent work now. I finally understand and relish in it. I reached my goals and was proud enough. It is just doing stuff now and gaining more education and skills bit-by-bit and taking your time. You are running your own marathon.

Culture: As a Vietnamese-Canadian, you are supposed to entertain and support other Vietnamese-Canadians – After doing general things and general socializing, the next thing is to entertain my fellow Vietnamese born in Canada. That is the next step. Support and Entertain. You can actually grow and grow and grow focusing on that.

Life: Expectations and now – After I did what I want, I am yearning for more. Yearning for more knowledge, culture and to fill the emptiness. I guess in 10 years things will be better if I continue this path of computers and learning. But right now I feel empty. Does everyone feel empty? Does it involve learning? Does it involve school? Does it involve culture(s)?