
Updates (April 20, 2024)

Life: Understanding the world at middle-age – I should live like my brother somewhat. People can do what they want. My role now is to continue to do what I want. I went shopping yesterday and realized that the “most independent” people just think and do what they want all day that hopefully making something unique. My brother worked for years in support services and realized he only had himself to learn and grow and develop for himself and others. Very liberal and Western. Everyone needs to understand all perspectives but at then end here in Canada if you can, think out of the box and “really think”. Also learn programming and everything else to develop solely. At the end of the day, enjoy yourself. At old age, you go to a place where it is just you in this world most of the time. Again very liberal and Western.

Life: You can work but also provide a service … – You can work and go about your day. But it would be different and cool to provide a service to thinking about different ideas and thought patterns. Put yourself in a place that allows you to think different and for yourself.

Life: At the end of the day, you have to go through the growing process – You might have ideas and wishes, but you must go through the process of learning how to get there all by yourself to learn, grow, and feel the work involved and also to feel gratitude. Life isn’t easy but appreciating life and every step is key.

Culture: It takes a long process – That is what I am feeling from Vietnamese born in Canada who made it. They expect the long drawn out life here in Canada. When they have smart parents and family passing on their wisdom and coaching them things are gradual. Don’t expect fast and superficial things. Nothing good and valued comes out of fast paced work really. I built my software from deeper thought and meaning to me.

Life: If you don’t do something unique then what? – …