Grade school
In the early 1990s, I got introduced to computer programming at elementary school. I was in grade 3 I think.
A small group of students were placed in a room with 2 lines of humming beige computers facing the walls.
There were no colours, no fancy GUI. Green text against a black background. Clunky noisy keys. The room was in the center of the school with no outside light.
The teachers tried to teach us programming. Some fellow students understood. They understood the depth of such tool.
My teachers tried to teach me that life was education here in Canada. I did not really see that. And computers was a pathway to education.
I was thinking all sort of things. I thought of having fun and doing something else that was more entertaining and humane.
My teachers looked dismayed when they could not show me the importance of programming that time.
Programming taught logic.
I thought of becoming like a scientist or a family doctor. I thought those careers were more smarter and worthwhile at that time.
I did not want to sit behind a computer all day for most of my life. I thought negative of that scenario.
I did not make the connection that programming would connect the dots …