
Updates (June 29, 2024)

Life: I guess life involved exploring and venting – You go through life just accumulating knowledge bit by bit normally just living life. Then what do you do at 40 years old? I guess you strap down and do something to forget how general life is outside. That is what happens at middle-age. You got to sit there and “do something”.

Life: Sometimes thinking out loud you can offend someone – I guess sometimes you have to think they way you need at the moment to just “think”. Do people who just think in the system and in the rat race, can they think beyond?

Culture: At the end of the 40 year journey – There are people just as old as you who don’t argue but “just talk”. It is relaxing. Just live life day-to-day.

Culture: My parents come from Vietnam – That does something. No one has the same perspective and motives like me. Everyone is different. You can not generalize needs and wants really deep down. Does the farming background have an effect?

Life: Old age and experiences change you – At the end of the day, you should really talk to people around the same background of you to understand where they come from. They have different ways to overcome the same problems you face. There are actual problems that you face.

Life: You have a helping hand with Ben Cybulski, but you can also add something – Working with Ben Cybulski is a gift. I would like to add my 2 cents. Focusing on working with Ben and Al from AMLCSL helps me focus on good things and be productive.

Life: People will always do what they want at the end – At the end of the day, people are driven to do what they want. That will fix their personal problems. I am able to do what I want if I focus on Western ideals.