
Updates (June 24, 2024)

Life: It gets to a point where it is just your output that matters – After working and getting some work done, all that matters is what you produced. Things will never be in your favor. What people generally look at and judge doesn’t matter as life is deeper than the superficial. Whenever I go out in the world, nothing matters no more for me socially and psychologically. The system is bad for me. My brother realized this early in life. He worked for years in IT support and came to the realization what you do new and different for yourself and the world matters for you to be healthy as a Canadian born. You have your unique self really. That is what makes you happy when things are not in your favor. But generally the treatment and attitude should be universal. You have to treat universally in the broadest sense.

Life: My mom and dad stayed together for their children – My dad and mom always wanted me to be educated. Educated to have control over my life as things are not in your favor. It worked. I am now working doing something that is hard, fun and far out there to grow and continue to grow. I have control over my life now. It took awhile LOL! I needed the continued support from my parents to escape the system. My friends and boss helped me too to achieve independence. It is having a complete family and higher level friends and work that helps you live independently and healthy. It is not anyone else’s “downwards” opinion of how to live and work. It is also your culture too. Not living in someone else’s culture.

Culture: When you are educated but also in the field where there is unlimited growth and abstraction – That is all there is. It is to educate yourself to a point where there is no stops.

Life and culture: Life outside doesn’t make any sense – We live generally. Then there is the system. After you understand the system and living generally, then there is growth after working 9-5 for years. Then the sky is the limit. You spend 99.99% of your time alone and that is nothing if it is spent doing nothing. It is growth and doing new things. Then you realize you have to do things that makes money. Then you try to and accomplish very high goals. Then you realize you have to figure out how to work with people while explaining your opinion on what is growth and creativeness. Then you spend the rest of your life learning alone because nothing in this world makes you feel good except learning and doing stuff.

Work: After doing work, there is life – It is interesting how life turns out when you reach milestones in life and in your culture. Especially in you parents eyes. I did not listen to people outside at the end and it was my parents and friends that lead me to this point. Outside is nothing because it is all negative and other people’s negative projections. Nothing outside is good really.

Life: I went to college today – I went to my old college today to use the computer and get a breather. It is just young adults thinking controlled and in boxes mostly. Everyone is funneled in the system and when you go out you have to learn everything on you own to master “creation”. That is what the world needs though. In the beginning everyone is trying to fit in. Outside we try our best to get what we want. But at the end it is creation and new ideas that are needed. Needed to keep things interesting and going. There is working in the system and then there is being older and being able to do most things because you learned this and that and don’t have to compete to live. Canada has supports to do what you want to grow and evolve to be independent and a thinker apart from others. Away from the cost saving and trying to accumulate better knowledge base. The key is to learn as much so you can be 90% confident you can build most things on your own first and then grow older being able to be different and apart from the rat race.

Life: At my old age, it is creativeness and uniqueness at the end – When I was young I was chasing jobs and education. I think I have enough of job experience and education. Now all we have at old age is creativeness and uniqueness to share and grow and do. Funny growing up in Canada and being told how to act and function most of the time then realizing we all get old and do things that are unique and seek creativeness. After socializing with same age friends then I realize it is what makes you unique and that keeps you healthy and happy. My Vietnamese friends in North America taught me this.