
Updates (June 21, 2024)

Work: I finally got somewhere – I finally got something done. Doing something solo mainly, it has given me “the perspective” I needed. Doing web development with the support of my friends was a challenge. It was a stepping stone to realizing you are on your own. And finally learning that you are liking learning now. I like learning now which I did not like before. I grew up enjoying life too much. Now it is learning and maintenance mode now. To keep my health up and to grow, I just enjoy learning bit-by-bit at this high level now and drink coffee and enjoy good healthy foods. You can avoid much of the outside world now as you are trying to maintain your health and grow to old age. When people see you now, they understand that. They understand you are in the old age stage where you are wise, mature and are taking care of yourself and being mature and nice and you are setting an example for the younger people and keeping things in check..