
Updates (June 17, 2024)

Life: It is just work at the end to keep you stable and level headed and healthy – Keep focusing on myself after doing this work as gotten me healthy. I am tired of living my past life as it won’t keep me healthy and happy. Also you have to be really active. Keep building and growing and reaching. After finishing school and relaxing for it bit, it is all keeping going.

Culture: Where I come from – It is where you come from that determines things.

Culture: Growing up out in the Eastern part of the GTA – I remember when the place I grew up wasn’t a part of the “Golden Horseshoe” which is Ajax. Life was good when I was young. I got to do the things I really wanted and explored a lot. I guess growing up in the suburbs was good as I developed my own sense of self. I really got tinkering with computers. I guess I got that. But now grown up now, there is the phase in life where you need to continually learn and grow. This is after finishing school. To work and learn and to continue to do so you reach the highest level you can and then retire I guess. That is the meta thinking. But for the micromanaging of life, I got to keep steady and keep going. Not to fast now and enjoy every minute. I found people my age that I am able to talk to now. It has been reassuring.

Life: Talking to people my age – I finally am working and am finally comfortable talking to people my age. I guess my drive to do things has helped me talk to people like me. I guess I do like to do things. I was confused for many, many years why I do the things I do. I guess I really do like to do things. At the core it is not about people and things. I really like to learn and think when I look at things from my view and people who are like me.

Life: I guess I have to do things my way – It is great to work at my current job but I got to do things my way here in Canada. Also I got to avoid some groups of people who think this is all about social and control … You really can’t learn everything in web development. You should try to learn everything but you should have a good understanding of everything. At the end maybe specialize to have that high skill.

Life: After spending years doing what I want, it is all learning now – I explored enough of life. Now it is learning at my comfort. I can not really explain it. But this working and learning life is all there is for now with lots of water and coffee.

Work: Let’s see what special set of skills and things I can do after working for a year or so – I got to get specialized and have that knowledge to apply myself more specialized and have that knowledge that people may seek. It is basically broad knowledge.