
< University

After working 3 – 4 jobs, even one overseas in Vietnam, I went back to college for programming at my hometown college in Oshawa.

I took 2 courses my first semester.

It was hard.

But college was different from university.

It was laid back. No one was really competing and no one was trying 200-300%.

I was 33 at that time. I accumulated a lot of knowledge over the years and did OK. I was old.

I started in September 2017 and then finished in April 2023 for the 2-year diploma for computer programming.

I did a few detours. My boss at the computer store (Al Michael Lane) told me to do a thinking brainy job like coding. I just wanted to fix computers at the time and open my own computer repair store.

I even went to Vietnam thinking about living there opening a computer store and possibly learn programming on the side slowly.

Also a detour in September 2019 doing practical nursing in the city of Scarborough.

It was during COVID I made the change and also I wanted to finish the computer programming diploma.

During school from May 2020 to April 2023, I did quite a bit of growing things. I worked with my friend Ben Cybulski, brother in-law Simon Fisher, and Dmitry Nefedov, brother William Nguyen, cousins An Nguyen and An Loc. I also socialized a lot with people. Also people from my same background to help me have that cultural basis to grow and reflect from.

I created things that I wanted and developed group tools with my friends. That is where I really learned. School work in college wasn’t enough to do the tests and assignments.

At this point in my life, I had things I wanted to develop and do and that helped me finish college.

After school >