Updates (January 31, 2025)
You are supposed to study and learn and use your brain otherwise you get stuck under. You will have no options if you don’t study and improve.
I did not know that you are supposed to learn about your culture too. There is something to do and impress as there are no barriers.
People are supposed to improve and excel if your culture is behind.
You do grow old and you learn from the stereotypes and achieve something.
I realize in my culture, everything is fine for me. Different thinking within my group. That is a given.
I learned to do what I like now on my own time. It is good to learn more and do more but it must be beneficial 100% and not cause discomfort.
I learned that other people are allowed to excel …
Education and accomplishments mean something and mean nothing for others. But you still got to do something. Some people make a huge deal but the reality is that doing something is normal. Established people don’t see it that way because they are resting. That is what it is and everyone knows it.
The way things are, people expect nothing from certain people and it is bad. So you go into your group and improve it and play among yourselves until condition change.
After 40 years there is no childish acting and people do change and learn. That is what people forget.
Well I am old now. Sometimes I get treated like an old person with ‘old’ respect. But sometimes people just look at the young person inside. But you want that respect so you have to earn it. I earned some. That is what people don’t want you to have.
You got to develop and learn and grow to feel comfortable in life. There is no question about it.
I learned from Vietnamese from Vietnam, you have to develop skills and wealth. That is what matters mostly so you have focus. Not just fun and games.
You really have to develop your culture and learn about it so you get confident and manly. Then you can share and help others because you have something. You can not go around helping others without any growth or accomplishments.
My brother worked for many years in IT support and is doing what he loves and did good things. He is focused on himself for health and improvement and satisfy his ego and needs. That is what I lack. I don’t focus on myself enough for my health.
People who project you are negative are actually negative themselves. I can see that now after learning and growing.
I learned that I am my own person really. Nice people helped me. No one really cares at the end. You have to do work and also do work that you like to make you strong as an individual. That is what people don’t teach no more. You are supposed to develop the whole mind.
The harsh thinking I seen outside:
When you are in your element, nothing phases you. You learn and race, culture and the system doesn’t mean anything real in your element, it is just there.
When you found people on your frequency and feel OK, then nothing matters.
But you have to worry about race, culture and the system too as people make that a part of the decision. But it doesn’t help when you have worked with the greats.
When you get old nothing really matters than enjoying and growing yourself. That is the thing. You are supposed to live in the West doing your own thing. You are supposed to live and grow where there is no barriers or distance between you and others that is negative.
It doesn’t help then there is distance and barriers and when you are newcomers to grow.
What is health in the medical field?
I always tried to understand what is health from the Vietnamese born in Canada way to the Vietnamese born in Vietnam.
My parents have no negativity. They grew up thinking Vietnamese. They were just people who had to face war and had to strive to adapt. That is all. Just people.
But when you are born and grow up in Canada, you have to deal with the narrative which is negative and dehumanizing. That is why many people born here go back to their roots and learn.
Then after you learn it you strive to learn as you have the support of your people back home.
But you are faced with the established people that still sit on their stereotypes. And that does nothing for your growth. You grow as a person and navigate away from the stereotypical thinking people.
Then you have your health.
The medical field like I said before is based on categorizing negatively. You have to really do categorizing to do the work. You believe it is true.
It does nothing for anyone to categorize at the end as people should figure a way to live for themselves and figure a way to live to live without negativity from others. Society affects people and you have to grow from it.
I understand this because I lived it as a Vietnamese man. If I believed all the labelling and negativity I would have nothing now and no health.
I worked with same frequency people and that is all it took really. People who live in their minds and improve it instead of reiterating stereotypes.
What I learned about work …
It is stressful and makes you angry at times. I think I should continue what I want to do without being stress or angry. When I worked I got mean.
I think other cultures can sometimes make you feel off. But you got to understand them and help.
The direction of life and growth needs to be brought to the same direction.
The problem of being colored is that you mostly just got your mind and thinking accomplishments. Well that is all that should matter.
At the end of the day, I have only my community that understands me and my struggle I think. Only Vietnamese people feel me.
At the end of the day, people can say what they want but you have to show them the truth. Go beyond the idea of race to do the work. To do stuff beyond you must go past the racial stereotypes.
Iteration, rumination, journaling and some work. You have to believe in yourself with not negativity. Find people who don’t think negative around you.
Living out east in the GTA is odd. Most of the time I feel lost in the culture here. But when I get socialized with other Vietnamese born in the West I feel connected. I guess I have to do that more?
It is just work.
As a Vietnamese born in the West, I think at the farthest, I am just a colored person passing through time in the West doing what I can.
Ideas are borrowed and improved. That is all it is in life from one person to the next. That is the reality at the farthest and nearest.
I have to think my way and see where it takes me. No changes from others really. That is what my mom and older people say. Think independent. Is this the Vietnamese way?
What I forget sometimes living in the West and born here is that I do have to think, think, think. Then I will have something and have something unique and different for myself and the world. Even with the good and bad interactions, you have to go home and do your thing.
Because I live in the West, the most ingenious people take the time to do something and improve their craft to a point where it is greater than good. That is what I am afforded here.
There are people who think whatever about people, then there are people who think about doing what they want and like without people.
But people think about people the same way, therefore you get away and do your thing because it is all negative.
When I am talking to my Vietnamese friends, we chill. But when I talk to Vietnamese friends who are smarter than me I focus. When there are Vietnamese friends that look up to me, I have to prevail for them to look up on me and for me to provide a pathway. I guess that is all there is to life?