Updates (December 11, 2024)
What is it like being Vietnamese and Asian at 40 years old now? Being born in Canada.
I went to the new medical facility in Whitby here in Ontario. I was sitting outside on a bench in the 5C cold waiting. Some people coming in and out of the facility projected negative things to me. I could feel it in the air …
I did not really care. I beamed back universal uniqueness and growth. I took the time to work on myself when the world was full of negative stereotypes against Vietnamese for the last 50 years.
I realize this is natural. I took the time to grow up and look old and have the ‘old layer’ to project and protect me because I can in Canada.
Most established people think the worst of newcomers and don’t help them sometimes as they change things and take jobs.
I knew deep down inside me that if I lived the ‘Western way’ of just taking my sweet time and relaxing a lot and reflecting a lot and thinking Western as much as I can, I would eventually get to a place that is good and have something of value that could be unique. I knew this deep in my soul from watching and reading old Western books and watching shows like PBS and TVO.
I knew I could ignore 99.999999999999% of people if I thought like the people on those North American education shows and old books of the past. Everything in-between is just squabbles that you learn from day-to-day.
Well you should to have the capacity and open mindedness and ‘the thinking’ like Westerners.
You eventually get to that conclusion as they have the biggest nicest capacity.
You learn but do your take on things to have the uniqueness that drives you and the goals and accomplishments.
If I am going to be negatively stereotyped personally to my face, I should have the uniqueness and accomplishments personally achieved to project back. Not my brother and not my sister but me. This is normal.
What else can I do? It is uniqueness and intelligence at the end for coloured people to show some value.
It is odd sometimes, some people live stereotypically. Some don’t. You just figure out how to live good when you had enough. This is normal and normal growth.
I analyze society now as I am finished school and have worked. The coloured people have all these stereotypes against each other which sometimes is good and sometimes bad. We learn and grow. And sometimes we don’t learn and grow.
As a 40 year old man, I past the young adult punk stage. But sometimes you meet even other 40 year old people still projecting negativity and stereotypes. I guess you keep doing your own thing to improve and do your own thing with your like minded friends to avoid them entirely. That is just life. You grow and build and find more and new ways to counter and improve. More structure and complexity to improve. Improve the stereotypes. This is natural and easy once you have reached a good point and age and maturity.
Because I got negatively stereotypes all my life projected to me nicely out here in Eastern GTA, I grew and made my way around it. But really I just hanged around like minded people on my frequency. That is the trick. Just work with like minded friends.
All this blog and ramblings is a part of socializing and life. It aids me to reflect and think more and do more and add something to the projects and software I help develop. Socialization is needed to grow and develop with and around people and improve stereotypes and generalizations.
It is really nice if you think really far out like a Westerner here in Canada. You see eccentric people living a very unique life. Like you see people living off the grid. You see artists. You see musicians and etc. That is what I think to when I am stressed with life that is in front of me. The daily negative projections when I go outside and the daily squabbles should mean something to learn and grow from but mainly be ignored at face value.
But the key thing in life in Canada for a Vietnamese guy like me and who looks like me is to focus on yourself in your own place dabbling away at what you like here in Canada. That is the broadest life you can have and the greatest return of investment you can have. Just toll away however long it takes here in Canada and then you have something of unique value you can beam about.
Then continue learning and doing as you are old and mature now. Whatever people say or do is just something you can learn from and do more with. That is the angle you take once you learned and grown and accomplished a bit.
The cool thing about being 40 years old and well educated is that when you go to medical facilities and see young doctors and medical staff who are in their 20s and and early 30s who live and breath stereotypes and generalities they learned in textbooks and their young life.
With my years of education and life, I can talk to them finally. You can understand how they got to their positions and can scrutinize the advice and help they provide.
As most healthcare is ‘pill’ based, you can look at them and see project the psychological and social problems that run deeper. They know this mostly if you stare at them with ‘that gaze’. They aren’t supposed to provide psychological help really. The prescription is everything is solved by exercising 3 times a week for 30 mins at a time, daily dose of meds and plenty of water and sleep. And save for that yearly vacation for 2 weeks during the summer or winter.
This is life 24/7 until you are 60 years old.
Some people know their problem but just want and need the medical help and live that way.
If I was a medical professional I would explain the way I live for health and confidence and to grow and evolve.
But does that work?
The way I live now is unique but accomplishes two things. It solves the low personal self-worth feeling and fixes the negative stereotypes I faced working temp jobs out in society.
Basically I am meeting negative people out in society.
The good balanced ones don’t scrutinize that much.
But on the other hand, you have to grow and build a life of education and work. You have to build something tangible in life for life to be full.
Basically I am meeting negative people and I got to put in the work. That is life. I have to avoid the negative undermining people. That is life. And you can do that in Canada as it is normal and expected. No one really bothers people here in Canada. Everyone stays at home in their den or room doing what they want. It is safe and people do what they want to improve their lives.
But whatever, I just work with my friends on my frequency …
I think the websites created have helped. Helped me a lot.
I have a platform to talk and develop and grow. And it teaches programming and computers.
I am happy. I focused on creating a positive solution to address how I feel and help others. Help people in my shoes.
I would have done it anyways, that is who I am.
The cool thing and bad thing is that I have that Vietnamese born in the West mentality. It is negative thinking. Most of Vietnamese born in Vietnam don’t think that negative like us born here in the West.
Born in the West thinking, allows you to strive and think like what Western born people think about Vietnamese but it is very negative. But this negativity is the start for growth and development if you think positive and broadly how to overcome it.
I am grateful I have more perspectives to talk to and learn from. If I did not socialize with other Vietnamese from all over the world, I would not be able to think broadly and with more range. People do have different perspectives if you take the time to learn and talk to everyone you meet.
No one thinks the same 100%.
All men say we think the same but it is not true when you get older and have developed yourself more than average.
We have our own problems and needs and wants. We can further ourselves double or more.
So we have to improve ourselves regardless of whatever people say to have health and be full and have abundance.
The reality is to ignore most people as most things are negative and blunt and flat.
What is so cool and helpful was making a friend from Vietnam in his 30s. During 2020, I met a friend at college in Scarborough. He taught me his perspective. And that is what made me go and be happy knowing that people think positive and unique. The Vietnamese perspective from Vietnam from him enabled me to think different and hopeful.