Vietnamese from Canada Perspective

< Vietnamese from Vietnam Perspective

Vietnamese from Canada is a mixed bag. But mostly good.

Born and growing up in Canada, I did not make any Vietnamese born in Canada friends really.

I think because people view each other based on race so much in Canada just like USA.

There are mixes and cultural exchanges.

I act like both my parents mixed with some Canadian open minded thinking because I grew up in Eastern GTA.

Only when I reconnected to my old university in the city did I meet Vietnamese born in Canada.

It was great. Sharing the same problems and trauma on the Canadian side.

Most Vietnamese born in Canada aspire to make it big and aspire for Western things while not changing the way things are here.

Working solo and studying really hard helps everything. You develop new ways and it shows. Combining Vietnamese from Vietnam thinking and your Canadian one creates something new.

People see your unique thought patterns and unique products you make.

They take in the new thoughts and ideas and develop even more.

At the end it becomes a hustle for doing and being more and more. Very tiring LOL! but good and changing. You learn to adapt. You have to learn to adapt. It takes time.

Basically in Canada you can just live the Canadian general way with all its cultural stereotypes and supports OR mix it up if you want. It is very satisfying trying something new by mixing it really up. Especially cool when you get really old and exhausted general ways of doing things.

Also when you are colored and your people are not seen in a positive light generally, I think you should mix it up big and strive for better. It takes time. It takes a lot of time but meeting with people of your same upbringing and same frequency friends will help you flourish and change things. It is all about your group of friends at the end that don’t involve racial thinking and stereotypical thinking.

I escaped the general treatment I received out in general society and solely worked with same frequency friends who live in their head here in Canada. In Canada, you can find people like that if you look really hard and put yourself out there.

I know I should not be upset by the way I am treated because my life is pretty good living here in Canada as a Canadian born Vietnamese. But when you are negatively stereotyped it is awful. Things seemed to have gotten worse for “Vietnamese” … and a bit better from what I have been treated as of late.

I don’t want to be the general Vietnamese stereotype and push with my same frequency friends to get away from bad environments that don’t support me. It is only with same frequency friends you can get away. I am currently working with friends who don’t put me in a box.

At the worse, Canada is mostly all about stereotypes, generalizing and categorizing people and actions in the public. You get away from it if you do things solo with your same frequency friends.

You can try to work with everyone too. But mainly “young” people have a closed worldview for now.

I showed up physically to my favorite place of employment in Canada and met similar people to work with.

I posted on the web and met similar people online.

Just show up and post and you will see who wants to work with you.

You will most of the time get the plain stereotypical view from others here in Canada. At 40 years old now for me in 2024, I understand the “general painting” people paint but I took the time to understand it and work with it and around it and through it.

I have my own solutions and unique thinking to avoid the stereotypical expectations of me and my people. The products I make are my own creative solutions from growing up in Canada.

I have to avoid people who just paint people generally. I have my same frequency friends and time for myself to grow and enjoy without the general stereotyping out in society that is done normally.

You really have to avoid all the generalities so you can grow and self-develop. You don’t want to be placed in a box and don’t want think like a teenager.

The Ben Cybulski Perspective >