
< Programming

After finally socializing with Vietnamese people back in 2017, I grew and grew. I am still growing …

In 2017, I made the effort to go back to school for programming. I was 33 in 2017 and never really made the effort to socialize with Vietnamese people in general.

I met Vietnamese people from Vietnam at my hometown college in Oshawa.

After socializing with them, I learned my homeland culture from all three regions of Vietnam.

I fell back to my first instinct that was natural. I did behave and act like a Vietnamese young adult like my peers at the school in 2017.

My natural instinct was focusing on education and trying to fulfil traditional Vietnamese duties and goals.

Some Vietnamese from Vietnam were at higher educational levels than me. Some were doing university and some with graduate school. I learned from everyone and took it upon myself to improve like them and try to excel. It took a long time.

I was still in school at college and some of my Vietnamese friends landed excellent jobs. I learned from them. The push was working.

After finishing school, I talked to some of my Vietnamese friends who are 1-2 years in the workforce. They pushed me to do work instead of my passion projects. They pushed me to work in the coding field. I did web development.

I learned that what I know is small compared to products needed and wanted in the world marketplace.

I reflected and reflected and realize the “complex structure” is a lot.

But with more reflection, the “complex structure” is what runs life and is the fabric of society. You got to be in the structure and working in it.

After working and reflecting, I realized the Vietnamese perspectives helped me. I socialized a lot with my Vietnamese peers and it got me my education and skills, paper and my accomplishments (coding). It was all socialization mostly with my Vietnamese peers.

To past the first hurdle in college, the Vietnamese from Vietnam taught me how to think during college to think like a programmer and do the school work. Vietnamese born in Canada gave me flow after …

I was living aimlessly for years before. How I grew up by myself in Canada did not teach me how to excel and reach higher thinking distinctly my way. I needed the Vietnamese from Vietnam and Vietnamese from Canada perspectives too. I needed “Vietnameseness”.

Once I excelled, I could really take a look at the world. I could take a look at what I am doing and make changes and have some power and control. Especially control of my life. I developed a foundation to spring from.

After reaching my peak, I socialized more with Vietnamese from Vietnam and Vietnamese from North America and went out into the world.

I hit my peak. I finally hit self-actualization in my mind and now more thinking and socialization is involved after.

I realized I can finally relax and act more or less like my dad and just accept whatever sometimes.

I will allow myself to behave like my father.

Let people say and do what they want. Don’t argue or fight for yourself really.

Let everything slide. Things will pass quickly and I will just manage to work with everyone.

Throw your 2 cents when the dust is settled to allow things go on and proceed.

I realize there is actually a ‘young adult Vietnamese from Vietnam’ perspective that helped me. I see it now after doing school, working and reflecting. I fall into that thinking. I am surrounded by Vietnamese from Vietnam in most of my groups.

Vietnamese from Vietnam Perspective >