
I started to get back into tech in 2013. These are the people that helped me get the skills and get structured to have a working life, to have a full life and more. They enabled me to think higher and higher.

  • John Fleming – He gave me the opportunity to work back in tech. He was always so positive and open minded giving opportunities to everyone to have a full life with work and things to think about and do. Always positive and helpful.
  • Davide Piva – Opened the doors for life to work with him in tech with John. Open minded and productive and hard working.
  • Gak45 – Opened the doors for life to work in tech with Davide and John. Research focused and critical and precise.
  • Viktor Bastion Phan – He befriended me first when I went back to school at my hometown college in 2017 and gave me the “Vietnamese connection”. He taught me Vietnamese way of life by working hard and study hard the traditional Vietnamese way.
  • Phuoc Sang – He taught me just to focus on my stuff and keep going. Do things solo. Be independent. Super focus and be content. Just simply focus on your craft and everything should be OK. Everyone respects this way of life.
  • Ben Cybulski – Taught me how to live life in broadly and fun. He is innovative and thinking all cool neat stuff. Now that he is working a thinking job, he has a perspective that makes my problems seem small. Great far perspective to frame with and to live life. Always something to do and positive. Reaching farther and farther and more bigger and bigger with solutions with perspectives that make you at ease and think easy.
  • Tan Vu – He taught me the way of a programmer and his way and never give up. You will eventually get the answer if you keep at it. He taught me to research and read documentation until you get it. Get “the solution”. He pushed me to do web development. Now I know art and logic. Now I have specific goals.
  • Simon Fisher – Taught me how to program. He made it easy. He gave the good open feeling to just do it. His take makes things easy in programming and in life.
  • Tammy Nguyen – She taught me Vietnamese culture her way from her perspective and just focus on doing what I want without the anyone’s “negative” influence. She gave me the way and goals in life to pursue higher milestones. It is the way. She gave me the goals in life for me to pursue. The trajectory.
  • Michael Waldron – Told me how to think like a Western-born programmer his way from his perspective. He told me how he programs and his daily activities. He taught me about grit and what he has to do to keep programming everyday. His journey was eye opening and allowed me to see all sides to this life and his life.
  • Son Nguyen – Taught me his ways. He taught me his Vietnamese culture and values. He told me to work. Now I see the work side to life.
  • An Phan – He is an inventor and researcher. Amazing! He wants to be like Thomas Edison which is absolutely excellent and incredible!!!
  • Misha Pham – He taught me how to life the “Vietnamese born the West male way” and think life on his terms. He pushed me to do web development and now I know the the coding life. Now I know art and logic. Now I have specific goals. He taught me to live life and enjoy it too!!!
  • Kelly Pham – taught me the way to think higher in programming and at university level and what jobs and tasks to do. Complete full openness and showed me the way to program.

Being positive and supportive drove me and I found people like me.

It is not looking at “people, people” and is thinking about life and think of things to think about and do. These people share this value with me.

It is thinking about life and society.