Other Programmers Perspectives
< The Allan Michael Lane Perspective
There was a lot of faces I met at college and university in my hometown doing programming or computer science.
Because of globalization, students from Vietnam were finally at other colleges when I went back to college in 2017. That is where I finally understood programming from the Vietnamese perspective from them.
I will explain the mindset and what I learned from my encounters with some Vietnamese students from Vietnam.
Some want to travel the world as a tech nomad.
Some want to work at the biggest tech companies.
Some have a niche and like certain things. They want to do something they like in programming for now and grow.
Some are so skilled and bright. They have been tinkering and studying since childhood. They are in programming and can pretty much land jobs in it locally and follow the Western culture and ways of Western companies and are safe.
The underlying thing about these Vietnamese programmers is that they are hard working and understand the differences in cultures and are aware who they are in it and adapt. They know their place.
But also they are who they are. They act like themselves. They are very Vietnamese who have landed in the West doing the best they can to adapt and do their own thing.
If it wasn’t for Vietnamese from Vietnam teaching me their ways, mindset, perspective and culture, I would not know how to program at this level now. There was cultural perspectives I picked up to push forward my feelings and ways and beliefs.
When I am lost, I program the Vietnamese way. The Vietnamese way is just education and keep on educating and doing.