FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions about Programming
Q1: Why am I afraid to post online?
A1: It is scary to post your software online in the beginning. People will say negative things about your software and you. They might say your software is a virus. They say you are not well known. Let your software speak for itself.
You might not have lots of people on your side. There might be a few people online who will support you. Just be happy that you have some people who support you. Those people that support you are a similar copy of you out in the world. That is very cool!
Q2: Should I learn programming even at my old age?
A2: Yes, learning programming at whatever age will help you in life. Programming taught me logic and made me less impulsive and less emotional. I can do more with it. It helps you overall with your life. In the modern world we live in, knowing programming will allow you to do most things. It will enable you to have a fuller life. You can create things from basically nothing, just typing, just code!
Be “very wary” of people stopping you from learning programming … Don’t listen to them. Programming helped all parts of my life. Math is everything and coding can help and let you do more.
Learn everything you need and want and when you are finished doing what you like and want, try programming to give you that extra room to do more to enable yourself in all life’s challenges now and the future.
Zoning out doing programming is very fun. It is abstraction and logical and almost unlimited. Normal life can be troubling with people.
Doing programming will give you lots of stuff. It is truly enabling. It gave me everything I wanted.