Updates (March 21, 2025)
Wow … at the end of the day after school and work, I realize 2 things that are important here in Canada as a Vietnamese born in Canada old person:
- I had to do everything on my own and that makes people uncomfortable. I could not rely on anyone really as that is “Vietnamese culture” and Vietnamese just came to this country 50 years ago mainly. I get negative projections all the time from people because I am doing lots of things all alone and it makes people think negative about themselves and look negative at me. I stay home because of this negativity I receive outside and do my thing. But sometimes I go out and whatever … that is just life in the West as a Vietnamese person. It is good at the end overall in this world. That is what the effect of immigration has.
- The cool thing about being Vietnamese at 41 years old now is that the negative thinking I received outside growing up transformed to me thinking good and positive most of the time. Life becomes “thinking” and not about race and boundaries like the entire Western narrative is. Even the Asian and Eastern narrative is racist. The system means not much when you are thinking good and positive and open. “Racism” leads to thinking good, constant and open at the forefront all the time.
When you live young in the system, your body and young mindset is affected by others who are young. But when you are 41 years old living out in Oshawa, Ontario where there are divides, you learn to strive to be stronger and different and overcome the boundaries. You just think positive and open and forward 99.999999% of the time to feel good and survive the young negative world.
But whatever … the old 80+ years old Canadian couple drinking $1 small coffee at McDonald’s doesn’t mind you. We are all trying our best to be nice and learn to adapt and grow old and wise.
Or you can just stay home and mingle with your same frequency friends online and do your passion that will grow you.
I then think philosopher Marcus Aurelius is right. All you can really do at the end of the day is focus on your talents and gifts. That is the most positive thing for yourself and all.
Today I went out to buy some groceries at a big supermarket. I got negative projections.
Therefore, I am right.
If it is in your field or interests, you are supposed to focus on your passions and talents to remove racism from the equation.
People negatively project racism at the end really when they see someone with skills. But they know they are racist and eventually feel bad after the interactions.
They will improve after seeing you. They learn from you.
It is up to you to do good and well and not fall into negative living and thinking.
You are able to improve all alone in the West too. Just don’t fall into negative living. Read books and socialize online. Post yourself and your dreams and pursuits then someone from another part of the world will answer. There is bound to be 1-3 people who are on your wavelength wanting to do cool things with you.
I have a handful of people working with me instead of against me. I am well.
The Westerners travelled and explored and learned everything from everywhere. That is the secret to living a good life.
I was thinking negative in Grade 10 from peer pressure at high school, but what saved me was my accomplishments and culture. I was working with my dad after school hours and realized the “real world” is not bad like it is in teenage years. I could always become a repairman or technician easily at minimum.
Also Vietnamese food is pretty good to make and sell. I always had the option to sell Vietnamese sandwiches called “Banh Mi”. It is easy to make and tastes great. I like food. There is really nothing that matches a nice Banh Mi. It is a fusion of food cultures. It is hard to make fusion food work.
Making pho is hard work. I could make it. I don’t mind.
I could always move east, north or west to open a restaurant so that is why I never went negative. Being in Canada where it is colder than other countries, food, warm food is nice to do and sell.
At 41 years old now, I have lived a bit but sometimes not enough to understand the vast education of math and computers.
If you delve into maths/computers and creativity then you are very unique and can hold your ground very much.
How do you think when you lived outside Toronto as a Vietnamese born in Canada at 41 years of age?
At this stage in life after young adulthood and done general living out in society, it does come to a point where maybe how different cultures think can be criticized???
You can not say one way or the other way thinking is better or worse.
It can be just you that think unique that gives you health and good feelings.
If you do criticize other peoples way of thinking and life then basically you are not open and categorize people and put up boundaries.
And again other people thoughts and ways are living are just ways of living that is good for them.
If you compare then it becomes negative.
Once you lived enough, your way becomes the best for you and is beyond generalization or labelling?
When you have thought enough and just think constantly good and routinely, then that is like the best ‘plus’.
Have you evolved your thinking enough???
Your current evolved thinking developed from interacting with others …