
Updates (March 17, 2025)

Yes, I see it now. There is an actual way of living Vietnamese/Vietnamese-Canadian here in the West.

I did not see it until now.

I can choose to live Vietnamese-Canadian.

That will give me something. Living so Canadian I just live alone and have nothing “tangible” for myself.

But the problem I see before and now hanging around other Vietnamese is that there is nothing really going on. The old forerunners are trying to do new things these days.

Because I am so old, 41 now, I have built up a lot of thinking and do some creative stuff now at this stage in life. It is all about stages in life? For a colored man it is I think???

Therefore I have this blog/websites and audience. This is what you do at 35 years old and up. It is all an age thing. And Vietnamese have only been in this country 50 years and I am 41.

Living the Vietnamese way gives me something to live and feel and do. You must practice your culture I think as it is different and can provide something new.

There is more benefit doing things with Ben and the team. More good than bad. You don’t realize the benefits until you go all in and put out something. That is life. Keep going and progressing. The fruits of your labour should be come out as something worthwhile at the end. Progress is not negative.

At the end of the day. After all interactions and relationships, there is the singularity of doing your thing in your mind. That is the only thing worthwhile and worth sharing and living for. Something unique to yourself that you do.

I worked 9-5 and tried going the professional route, but at my stage in life as an old tired man, doing what I like everyday until I get some relief and value is what is right here in Canada.

I went to the doctors today. I met people my age range and older. Realized everyone is good when they get 80 years old. Everyone below that age, people are stereotyping for their own benefit out in society to grow and receive.

Therefore all you have as a coloured person is your passion and dreams. You can get along and try to navigate the outside world, but at the end it is your dreams resulting from you and your daily life interactions. But mostly what you like to do at home alone because this is Canada and everything is OK. I am lucky to be born in Canada.

I learned everyone is negatively projecting but that is life. That is life for the last 10,000 years. People just negatively project to feel good when they are young. But as a coloured person who is Vietnamese, I learnt it the hard way and don’t involve myself with the major players because that stalls development of self and genuine interests.

As an old person, I lucked out. I studied mainly at home since 2009 after failing university in computer science and waited and waited until I got old, old to avoid trouble because I knew this was the solution for all my troubles … Then now it is middle-age people like me are darting their eyes asking me what accomplishments I have made instead of being superficial and one-layered. I finally made it past the crappy young adulthood squabbles of people fighting over race and superficial things. I look old and people now ask me what are you doing just standing there? They are mature and ask shouldn’t you be productive in a good way as you are a full grown man. They say why are you wasting time in middle-age adulthood where it is the most productive years of your life? Should you be learning and researching and developing? Your youth is gone. Your playtime is over. There are more things to do and climb. More soulful deep adventures. You are finally living life when you are 40. You are done researching and learning.

It is looking and asking for productivity instead of thinking adolescent and fun and trouble.

Sometimes you see a middle-age person looking for trouble. They still act young and think because you are coloured you are just trouble and no good. Then you project back why are they walking around negatively projecting? Are they thinking bad and negative and young? Should they be old enough and think they should be doing something nice and universally beneficial? Then they walk away knowing they are doing something bad being negative.

That is why middle-age people don’t go out. It is the growth and development stage where some middle-aged people still act young looking for trouble. Some are still growing. Some are grown and look towards good things and focused on goals and ideas.

Only when people are 80 they are calm and good as they have done everything.

This is a good stage in life for me. With Vietnamese born in Canada supports and going out every so often I am growing and learning.

When I was in the doctors office public waiting room, us guys were thinking.

I realized as a coloured person here in Canada all I got is my passions that I do 10+ hours a day. That is all I have here in Canada. I am lucky to be born in Canada 🙂

I can not mope around being sick and unproductive. All I have is my culture and passions. My culture (Vietnamese) I learned is learning and doing and working some.

The way I think naturally is different from most people when I am home alone doing my thing.

I realized the Vietnamese from Vietnam, males mostly, also have their own thinking that is similar to my dads. I can not get along with my dad really or males from Vietnam. I get along with Vietnamese born in Canada.

I think Canadian and free and think what I am doing will eventually get me everything and is good for my everyday health.

Vietnamese from Vietnam are fierce and competitive really.

I can act that way too but I have the Canadian free thinking that supports me and gives me the Canadian mindset that is open and supportive and ongoing. Life is progressive and continues till 101 years old. It is not just money and learning how to make a quick buck for me as a Vietnamese born in Canada. I kind of knew this when I was little.

A week ago, I went to the health centre for my brother. I saw a doctor and “we were thinking”.

What do doctors do here in Canada? What is in it for them? They cause no harm. Do they just prescribe pills?

Then I realized they are in it for themselves to learn from the world and community. They cause no harm but just learn and learn for their health and mindset benefit.

They talk to 1000s of people ranging from the worst sick to the healthiest. They learn from everybody thus increasing their health and knowledge and “power” in a good neutral way.

When I was in 2nd year university, my dad asked me to apply for medical school. I did not know what doctors did and my reason for becoming a doctor.

Now that I have accomplished goals and are unique to me and now have a specialized skills and unique thinking, I know the reason why to become a doctor.

It is kind of caring but it isn’t really. People come to doctors for socialization and pills and build a relationship with their doctors based on care and pills??? Patients are so focused on that the pill they take daily will manage their disease.

But what I have been doing so far with Ben Cybulski and Dmitry Nefedov was create fun innovative unique software to brighten my day. After doing the software (using my mind) I feel strong healthy and powerful in my field. It gives me a unique edge and uses up my time productively and good. I am healthiest when I am learning and doing something unique and good.

Then what is disease for other people working routine 9-5 eating processed foods and microwave dinners?

Working with Ben Cybulski and Dmitry Nefedov gives you unlimited growth and health as you are always productive and reaching and open. You can not determine what they are thinking because they are really out there thinking innovative and in the cosmos. That is what makes life worthwhile and healthy.

What is the North American way of living compared to others?

The North American way is Costco 200%.

I used to try to create software that tailored to the North American market.

I realized I was getting into too deep. I can not sit in front of my computer 24/7 developing a mammoth elephant that can do 101 things and keep updating it 3 times a week.

I am not built that way. Everyone is different.

Therefore I do things that I like.

But the North American way is the way to make $$$$$$$$$ money in software.

People like Linus Torvalds created Linux and Git. He built the efficient stable foundational things. He is well off $$$. But people use his software to make $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.

So there are 2 ways to make money. Either you go making elephants or build things for other people to use.

But Linus lives in capitalist America I think and most people making elephants live in America/USA.

What I learned from working nights in a supermarket in 2006

I worked with a diverse team in the supermarket.

I learned a lot and was met with people who loved to learn and work hard.

I worked hard but it wasn’t hard enough when I look back from 2025.

… But life went ahead and now I am here … I guess life went well.

The thing with me is that I take a lot of things into account and am cautious.

That is my strength I guess. I guess you have to. If you were me born in Canada, you take everything into account when doing anything.

I think this is the Canadian upbringing that taught me to be open and cautious and help.

The cool thing about being old is that when you go out and see young people, you see young small minds trying to do things in the world. You see their limits and closed off thinking. You see how they are reaching but are limited by their experience and belief systems.

When you see old people, you see what life they chose to live for and defend. And the limits of that thinking and choice.

Then you see yourself as a Vietnamese man, who realizes they only have themselves and have to learn a lot of perspectives to function properly in this world.

Then you realize the magnitude of different thinking on this planet currently and how the world is changing to be one.

I bought pizza today.

While I was waiting, I realized the only thing I really have in life is my thinking. But that is also Vietnamese culture.

The things I learned after finishing university in 2008:

  • Everyone at city universities have their group (race, clique, etc.) that helps each other to get done school and get higher degrees and do work after. Some groups work in groups. I liked doing things mostly independently. Also I did not find my group yet in 2008 … I had to go back to my hometown and work and found my group in 2017.
  • After I finished university, I knew I only had myself as I did not fit with no groups in the city and was older than most students as I took 2 years off to work.
  • I knew it was going to be a tough long road ahead after 2008 to learn computer programming and did give up a 3-4 times, but I had nothing to resort to so I continued to learn until 2021 when I was accomplished and met Vietnamese from Canada who befriended me and helped me.
  • My parents don’t understand the problem of a Vietnamese born in Canada of my era at city universities as they did not finish Western school themselves. They don’t understand it takes 20 to 30 years to get something of value out in the real world like you see in newspapers. They think it is a walk in the park earning degrees and doing something some other accomplished Vietnamese does they find on YouTube Vietnamese news channel.