Updates (January 22, 2025)
I reached this point …
- Done some real work. It took the 2nd attempt. Comfortable after resting for 5-6 months.
- Work is so hard if there are deadlines and an unreceptive boss/client. Therefore, I see that life is really to do research and do passionate work in the West. I studied lots of things in my life and got pretty skilled. Working for people doesn’t make any sense as they don’t see what you see and feel here in the West. Especially when you are skilled and have the Western opportunity then it doesn’t make sense to do work, work, work and live under a mountain of stress that will harm you in the short and long run.
- People are limited to what the media puts out really. When you are categorized and labelled in the public because of your race then it doesn’t make sense to really work out there in the public and still get labelled and boxed in. Therefore it is doing research work and working with people who don’t place you in boxes for their benefit. It is freeing and exhilarating to do what you like without the overhanging clouds and fog. People do get old and think different at the end. That is the human experience.
At the end of the day it is “whatever”, but do “something” and ignore naysayers and negative people. You can not really prove, prove a point. Just kind of coast and do your thing in the West. There is nothing to worry about.
After a while (what my mother says), you realize the segregation in the West is bad. You have to claim everything as even. Don’t claim anything as this or that and just live. People need each other.
There are people, then there are great people. How much do you claim that you did something worthwhile in the Western perspective? If you got so much help and the push and the mindset from great people? I guess great people help people.
Cool things to think about:
- I spent 40 years studying in the back of my mind kind of and lived a little.
- But I did not excel until I worked with Al from AMLCSL and Ben.
- If I did not listen to Al to do just coding and just use my brain then life would be routine and bleak …
- I guess my life was a growing experience with working with higher people who saw unlimited education and unlimited thinking and unlimited opportunity. I kind of knew this a little but they opened life up and said what it is and possible in the flesh. Took years from 2018 to now.
- In the process of life, I met a of different thinking and views. But at the end it was Al and Ben who really showed what life could be like. And continue to.
- But all this is just an addition to a normal life? It is pretty meaningless … In Canada, people can get by OK. So is this addition really a part of life? You don’t need it to live … Things really changed and took on a different new definition when you worked with great people. Also a great thing of working with the greats is that there is no burnout. Everything is new and fresh.