
Updates (January 3, 2025)

I believe most men are born with nothing and we need to build ourselves up. So why am I bothering with the system that doesn’t really support me? Only Vietnamese born in Canada understand me. We are new immigrants and are put up against people who are established who want their children working and able first. LOL! All I needed to do was work with people who supported me all along instead of working with people who won’t support me.

This blog is the result of being a refugee child where Vietnamese men born in Canada have nothing at birth I guess.

Most Vietnamese boys born in the West have fathers who are refugees that had no schooling because of the war.

The people already established here want only the best for their children and not new refugees really …

So the only thing is to work to get along or do your own thing.

So much racism and stereotypes because of this. LOL! Everybody knows this deep inside. Even the perpetrators doing the racism. But does everyone really know this? I only realized this now LOL!

So many kids in trouble because of the system and fathers who are not established.

All I have to do to live well in Canada is to concentrate on good helping people and my own interests with my people.

The Vietnamese women born in Canada/West sometimes feel inferior of their people. Of course, Vietnamese have been in war for a long time and just recently things have turned around. It is up to the Vietnamese men to build themselves up hopefully with the support of their people and women and with other helpful people.

I get labelled bad all the time. It is normal because people don’t want my people on par with them. It is natural.

Within the colored community, there is a lot of uneasy feelings with other colored people. But at the end of the day it is the Western viewpoint that reigns.

It is odd to see some colored people pit each other superficially and not allow each other to think beyond. When you get older it does harm because when you get older you need to grow or else you get sick.

Anyways, all I can do is do my thing really as their is so much competition for general work. Lets see. Whatever happens happens.

My accomplishments were the result of my growth up here in Canada. Only Vietnamese born in Canada understand this. I had to do something to bring myself up. All the problems and trauma needed a solution. Living complacent and below doesn’t work I think for anybody born here.

Because I worked with like minded individuals, I could think my way and develop it.

There is different ways of thinking. Some people like that and appreciate that while others don’t.

Anyways, I developed quite a bit of my own thinking now because I worked with my people since 2021. It helped. Vietnamese born in Canada have their way of thinking. It might be unique and useful. I guess that is what it is.

During 2009, I was in school a second time for computers. I then quickly realized school was not a game no more. I could not hang out really. I had taken the mindset that it was a rush and taken the Asian mindset to study and cram all day.

I stayed home all day studying. That was my demise …

I did not have the proper supports being Vietnamese and did not learn my Vietnamese way of living and studying and working.

I learned in 2021, I needed to have the Vietnamese mindset to live well.

I only got things done working with like minded people and Vietnamese in Canada. I guess that is what it is??? So to do more work and accomplish stuff is to keep working with like minded people.

Only working people understand the value in openness. There are a lot of cool things that can happen. Just focus on openness.

So I realize at 40 years old in 2025 now, life was pretty tragic for many Vietnamese who did not have father figures to support them growing up for the last 50 years in the West after the Vietnam War.

Some kids are born gifted and smart and kind of know how to get to a level they want here in the West. But realistically it requires the entire whole family unit and village to raise a kid to not do meaningless work which kills your spirit. It requires a country really to support a group … Life is also about meaningful purpose and work that extends to the horizons.

So most of the trouble (negative stereotypes) for the last 50 years for Vietnamese here in the West was because there was a lack of supports in and out of the Vietnamese community. The support to do really far to the horizons thinking continuous work … Some people need the push and support … to continue and see the benefits of continuous learning.

Basically without the universities supporting Vietnamese students to do lifetime of work in universities there is no hope. That is the basics of sustaining life. Support even when the student doesn’t want to … until they get it …

There is something if you push and push. Work and research become common if you push to a point when it becomes normal.

Basically no one wants to support others as most people are supporting themselves first … That is normal.

So you really have to do things on your own and with like minded people.

So basically at my point in life, I see the need to continue to learn and do. Life is meaningless if I don’t push. But there has to be a balance and good drive.

I know some people who have had hard lives because they did not push and have the supports …

I know some Vietnamese people who did not have all the necessary supports to live a good life.

I don’t know why I think sometimes in colour sometimes. It is horrible. I know who I am naturally at birth.

When I go out in public I have to balance with everyone and get along in my coloured form. It doesn’t do much.

I guess I have to live and work and marry in my culture to have that foundation and sameness. I really understand that now.

I am finally socializing with more Vietnamese from North America. It is great! I learned to not think in race and colour. When I was with other people, all I thought was differences in culture and practices. Now with Vietnamese born in North America I can think beyond race and culture. There has to be more than that? I finally realize it now. That was what I was missing all along.

I was trapped thinking in race and culture for 40 years.

There has to be more than race to think, live and do. You got to be beyond that. I finally figured that out.

All it required was socializing with more Vietnamese in the Western world. Trying to get out there and talk and feel connected instead of the battling of race and culture.

When you can talk beyond that then life takes a new leap.

Working and socializing on Discord with same frequency friends is all I need now.

After finishing school last year in April 2023, I tried to go outside to socialize and work.

Outside was the same like 7 years ago. Same issues and trouble really.

I then had to turn twice into working with only my mind. Once in May 2024 and now.

After failing my job in the summer, I reflected and recouped and am working again.

This time I learned my lesson that the outside world is flat and the same problems.

Just young people with no layers.

You turn inward and work on your job. That is where growth occurs after you have been socialized.

When you realize you don’t grow outside … it is all biases elongated and toyed with, then you turn inward and start accepting work inside with what you know really. Then you grow in many ways and try to grow other ways, other different ways, other unique ways. You start thinking what you have to get get new things and out of the cage of thinking biases from the outside world.

Then it is just your friends and you.

You and your close friends and then the Discord where you chill with a large group of people with a similar beat.

I guess I got to this finally and it is good.

I still haven’t finished the old programming resource … I deleted it.

I realize it is important. It shows my thinking before trying to grow up as a Vietnamese born in the West.

I will complete it soon because I think it is needed for other Vietnamese to know how competitive, racist and stressful it is when you are trying to learn and get along with others.

But after learning and getting your degree, you learn it was just a stepping stone learning how to deal with racism at schools. Everyone needs to learn that if you are born here. Vietnamese from Vietnam don’t understand how cruel some people are. It is just life. You have to accept the way this is. You should not take it badly. You are suppose to learn from it and manage it. Transform it. The racists are supposed to change too. Everyone is learning to get along.

After school you just hang with your like minded friends and escape the racism and culture. You think beyond it race and culture.

The worst thing if you don’t improve your thinking, education and knowledge is that people will think negative stereotypes of you over and over again for their benefit. They will continue thinking you and your people are bad for eons.

All it really takes is to work with nice smarter people and build towards something new and different. It is automatic if you find your friends in life.

Then people will notice you and accept the change or keep stereotyping you negatively. That is life.

But once you have that broad mind thinking you can see that they are trying to make you bad and then they stop. They realize they were in the bad and not learning to improve you and themselves. Everyone transforms to grow and improve if you both accept to grow and improve.

The goal is to improve the mind and change other people to improve theirs.