Updates (December 31, 2024)
What did I learn since April 2023 (After finishing school):
- Just work on yourself. When you give that attention to yourself it is growth, learning and keeping busy to get out of gutter. At the end it is self-love. Then people see that as maturity and confidence and health and even looks. Takes years and years to do this and get far and even ahead. Most people get fat and fall off. Basically to circumvent all the negativity of growing and growing old is self-love improvement. People naturally admire that.
- When you really focus ALONE like really alone and in that zoning frame of mind that is pretty golden. After zoning for a long time and many times it becomes easy to zone-in and then back out to reality. After a while working in such zoned out work, it feels absolutely cool and feel good. The amount of actual good things that are done while zoning is incredibly good.
- The only way to live good in the West is to do that education and research. If not done in schools and companies, it is alone and with your same frequency friends. It seems negative and dreary but when you done this many times then it becomes pretty good, comforting and is “the peak”. Comforting that you know yourself, know life is to take care of yourself, know how to live and focus on the good things in life. It is the peak lifestyle I think.
- Life is actually focusing on the good things in life like when you were a kid. It is what you did when you were in grade school. School, lunch, snacks and more school and exercise and play. Keeping that up makes you accomplish the good things worthwhile that everyone in the world seeks.
- The power and control in life and your life is to have the maths. The more you work on creating stuff the more power you have of your life and can have control over it. It is important to have control over your life so you don’t feel hopeless and sick.
- Understand the limits of all cultures and practice doing something different and more out of it.
- Understand the polar extremes of your life in the West and work towards doing the best you can in your circumstances to have that health.
What I learned from years working with Ben Cybulski:
- I am absolutely grateful to have Ben Cybulski as my friend. He can solve anything. All my problems are fixed. All my issues are addressed.
- I owe him.
- He thinks 10 steps ahead.
- He allowed me to think like him almost after 7 years.
- I almost think in “energy” like him. It is an incredible feeling and doing.
- Problematic common general thinking and doing are gone mostly. It is an elevated sense of living. It is almost like I live floating now working with his ideas.
- As a coloured person in the West, this is possibly the best way to live working with Ben Cybulski. There are absolutely no issues.
My goals for 2025:
- Try to be myself more while outside in public. Who cares what people think. You are you and I am I. I am just old and disheveled now and don’t care what others think. My body is getting old and failing so I realize now people are born the way they are. All the growth and learning is just layers added to protect and live in this capitalistic world. Who cares really. But just “work” somehow to stay relevant and able.
- Save money and pay off all debts.
What I realize solidly now:
- There is probably 3 parts to me: (1) My 5 year old self, (2) My grade 9 self in high school, (3) My current self with my understanding the world and its people plus my layers of education and old body. Depending on the conversation we switch between all 3. I never developed my (3) part until now. It took so long. It is definitely needed to grow and handle the world. It definitely needed socializing with Vietnamese born in Canada to build that house.
- Socializing with older (30-45 years old) Vietnamese in North America shows you the mindset of us. Engaging in talks online and in-person enabled me to grow and think of new ideas and concepts. Most of the people in West just have the stereotypical views and way of living, and don’t really engage further. I had nothing to do and am bored so with the help of my friends we challenged some ways. That is where growth and development happens. Actively engaging and working with your brighter friends will provide you that growth and satiation.
- You can actively engage in life. Not in-person and not in public as everyone is trying to get along and be balanced. The only way to put forth action and development is to create stuff.
In the West, there is “the ideas” to people, groups and races. That doesn’t change and people don’t want that changed as it changes the balance. It changes what people expect and can endure for their ego. Vietnamese are supposed to act Vietnamese and etc.
Therefore to change is to help change your homeland conditions and improve it. People are treated based on their homeland current conditions. To help change the stereotypes is by doing stuff behind the scenes. That means studying, developing and creating. That is the under workings of the “normal” negative superficial treatment in society that everyone endures.
As a Vietnamese person born in Canada I had to endure lots of “normal” treatment from everyone. But it really means nothing in Canada as everyone is OK in this country. That is why so many immigrants want to call Canada home. I did not sweat it so I did stuff with same frequency friends in the background. Everyone has that opportunity here in Canada. All you need to do is find your same frequency friends.
At the end when you are 40 years old, no one cares and everyone realizes that life should have been developing to improve yourselves instead of cutting people down and cutting yourself down too. I see older men and women realize just how negative society is growing up. The culture here can either help you try harder or cut you down. But seriously in Canada everyone is OK if they broaden their mind to the max to reach the Western mindset and then go beyond. Takes time.
When I was in high school, my family travelled East towards Montreal to see Eastern Ontario. This probably was in 1999. I remember the vast green farmland and houses speckled across. I wondered what type of person and family lives so far out east? Mostly independent farmers I guess.
The other day now in 2024, I went with my father to Peterborough and happen to see all this still. I wondered what does a 40-year old person do living out here on these remote areas? Still just farmers? I guess yes.
They are independent and strong. I wonder if I could live out there. I wonder what I could do out there.
It seemed strong being out there on your own and peaceful.
Canada still has lots of land from Oshawa to Peterborough. It is farmland. It is needed for farming. But a lot of land to do stuff.
The odd thing that I still have trouble with is with urgency and need.
I learned just recently from my friend, things just take time and life is just living. I used to rush and just do things for the need to have something.
After socializing with my friend, I realize life is just a stuff. Don’t make everything needed to be done and obtained. There is no real urgency in life here in Canada.
Once you got that understood you are abundant and full.