
Updates (December 30, 2024)

Probably the most scariest thing is the day when my parents will pass.

My parents yell all the time still in their 70s to me to get my education still while they are still alive.

I have been studying but I need my relaxation too. Things have been going well. I have done somethings worth it and helped.

It is good to voice your thoughts and opinion in a blog I think. I am growing lots by voicing my concerns. I am the first generation Vietnamese to grow up in the West after the Vietnam War. I should voice my story to help other people in my shoes.

When I was younger like 10-12 years ago, I saw other Vietnamese write blogs and I learned from them. I guess blogging is the platform medium I like to learn and grow from.

I don’t like YouTubing. The pen and paper (blog) is the old fashion way in the modern age.

Also everyone is different. This is just my way.

Life gets more complicated as you go along. Growth maybe necessary to just live and grow, grow.

I have a cousin in his 20s studying in An Giang University in Vietnam. We have talked for the last 4 years back and forth. I am learning from him and he is learning from me. We have grown so much.

By me working with Ben and Dmitry, we had the opportunity to do and think some great things. That is the future for Vietnamese in the modern age.

I guess life is to work with people who live in their heads all day. Ben and Dmitry just live in their heads. It is good health and very productive to do so. Keeping this up, people will live a good life.

I am doing my thing and encounter squabbles time to time still from younger people and it is racial.

I guess you have to work on yourself to grow and transform …

In the West, people don’t tell you that you should work on yourself. People ask to get along but the reality is that some groups don’t see growth as necessary. But for some people growth is right and needed.

Also, some people want others below them especially when they are young and immature.

Individual growth is good. When you can grow and transform too that is great. And again some people don’t see that and want the opposite.

As an old person you got to do your thing as a old person. It took me years of getting old and then being so bored here in the West to do more. That is what it is. Some groups have no growth and then see growth as “bad”. I guess you got to ignore them. That is their culture. OR they will change in time when they “feel moved” though …

I guess it does take a lot of work and effort in all aspects of life to improve and prove yourself.

The way things are here in the West, people want that basics and cut people down to balance everyone. But that is not living. You don’t get old and wise and healthy living that way I suppose. Nothing gets changed. Is change needed?

Socializing a lot you realize some people just want things the way it was and then you meet people who welcome change. But things are changing though …

Also most people don’t expect anything more than stereotypical. Working with Ben Cybulski and everything can change for everyone.

The amount of transformation that has occurred for me has been exponential. That is what conservative people don’t see.

The driving thing I realize in my core is to improve and think better. Some people see things black and white. I see things my way and that is to improve my life in all aspects. Some people think negative of self-improvement and see it as being better than. But whatever … things have to improve and get better and transform.

Working with Ben Cybulski for 7 years, you start to think in terms of energy.

It gets to the point when meeting some people that nothing can grow and be positive because of their current mindset.