Updates (December 23, 2024)
When you get up there in terms of ‘intelligence’, ‘Canadians’ make the effort to seek you out and analyze.
I tried most of my life thinking.
But the difference was working with smarter people who lived in their heads all day. Ben and Dmitry live in their heads.
When I really focused on my mind as of late, I got the benefits of being a ‘thinker’.
I guess to have a great life here in Canada, you really got to live in your head now.
After working and out of school, I realize life is this constant routine of working and growing relentlessly. It is so much work and ‘some’ reward. It is the best reward because you are growing every second.
Funny thing about my life is that, my mind is so wrapped up in the group projects and group websites now and now anything else seems routine and not worthwhile to do. Ben’s ideas and Dmitry’s ideas are so worthwhile.
It is like I wake up just to update and do the group work and fall back asleep.
I really think these projects are far out there and require so much energy and effort that it is all you can do: just update and sleep.
The reward is excellent. You are using all your brain. Great creative effort and the most feel good feeling.
The interesting thing with Dmitry Nefedov (sanctuary/farag2) is that he is 34 years old now and still does what he likes.
When I was 34, I just started college for programming and now I am 40 in 2024. I code the Wrapper for his project.
The problem that I see is that if he starts doing programming instead of scripting, what will become of his projects when he realizes programming maybe more fun and worthwhile? Will his tenacity to constantly update the projects cease or slow down?
Is life the project or the act of programming?
I can not program all the time …
After getting some intelligence by working with Ben and Dmitry and living life and growing for the last year, people see me differently now.
Instead of school life and daily life, life has become in your head and what you want to do for the next 2, 5, 10 years from now.
People see that is what you are thinking. You are focused on yourself, in your mind and worry and project into the future in 10 year increments.
That is the trick about life. When you are finally on your own trying to live comfortably with all the good things in life: intelligent, creative, productive and forward thinking, people see that and reward that with the utmost respect naturally. It is like innate to respect people with that experience and intelligence. It is automatic. It takes years to do so. You have to finish school and get out there on your own, all alone to have and fit that mindset 1-2 years later here in the West after school and some work.
I realized this … after doing personal projects, then group projects, refining projects, finish school and doing some work … life is really good being out there thinking independently here in the West. You have to grow to a point where you are over the feeling needing to live and work for a company or someone. You can really do that here in the West.
What is the accumulation of knowledge and education and experiences when you can finally work with a guy like Ben Cybulski? His thinking pushed me to this level.
And what is life at this level?
Young life and most adults still see life in the gradient system. That is all they see. But when you show that stereotypes can foster new development then that is life.
When you can live and work freely, freely is when you enjoy everything. That is when you can surpass the negativity, all of it.