Updates (December 7, 2024)
Outside in the real world while socializing, people are now comparing and complaining and projecting negativity to me because I worked on myself … but all I did was do what I like and needed and wanted alone with my friends for decades because I was getting old and there was nothing to do here in the West …
That is what you realize when you live in the West. There are people being idle and people doing stuff for themselves. Or a mix of idling and doing …
All types of different people are complaining and being biased to me when they “know” they are being idle and stereotypical and judgmental. They don’t see their own feet and path. They don’t understand their own bias and how limiting it is to themselves. People are people … people can think.
They think they are right but it doesn’t make sense being idle and resting thinking biased. People are learning and evolving and doing new things to improve their conditions which is not good at the moment.
So therefore, I am 1,000,000,000% right.
As a Vietnamese who is bored and born here in the West, the people complaining to me have no say because they are being idle resting on past stereotypical thinking. They don’t understand how being ‘idle’ affects everyone including themselves.
That is all I can do is work on myself like other mature Westerners.
They see my way really but want to be biased for their sake to keep them doing their biased jobs.
This is reality but isn’t. No one really cares. People just react badly when their foundation of what people are is disturbed compared to themselves and their associated groups.
Who cares … They are thinking not mature. There is uniqueness and good things from every thought and pursuit.
Working with biased people would thwart improvement of myself. Therefore either I can manage or walk away.
Everyone is improving right? No one is being idle? Who wants to be idle?
As I am older now and ‘Canadians’ see me past the “young adult wandering no brain” age group, they observe me and interact with me face-to-face in public while taking the bus or train.
Things I learned:
- You really had to finish school twice. One to learn about life and the world and one to do your passions?
- To live the best in the West is to continually learn and grow like the Westerners. This way you don’t feel sick, sad or depressed. Think really far out there and also uniquely from what you learn everyday. It is best to live in the West to get the constant exposure and learning.
- Once you have done your passions and associated accomplishments you can rest … then reflect and than think and think more. And after everything make thinking a lot normal daily activity. Thinking a lot will depend on who you socialize with during and after. After, you realize everyone is different. Everyone has a unique approach of answer if given the time and energy to really think and do. Just give people time to do stuff in a comfortable environment.
- You need to save money and give yourself time to look at all perspectives of the world or at least in your largest diverse city. No one is better than the other because everyone can do something different if given the time. What you accomplish is what will be your driving force and something to look back to for good feelings, being proud and inspiration.
- Young adult life is brutal. You have to trust God and your intuition to finish school twice. Just plug away at it slowly for good health and enjoyment. It is all about your accomplishments at the end. If your goals are unique then that is great!
- Regardless of your situation, you have to study and be smart here in the West. Having tons of money does nothing as everyone born in Canada is mainly looking to get the most out of life if they can think well.
- But the problem here in Canada and North America is the constant cutting down of others. You have to just avoid people like that. People need to grow regardless of whatever anyone else says or they will get sick and not improve their situation. You have to change your mindset to grow and improve regardless of anyone. Then the opposing person will grow too if they understand life is to improve too.
- If people disrespect you, you have to improve your situation. You have to work with friends and same frequency people to grow and learn. I worked with Ben Cybulski, Allan Michael Lane and others to improve my situation. It is simple like that. Find people who are on your level and enjoy life. Avoid going the other way as you live in Canada.
- Nothing is 100% good or 100% bad. You have to do things to grow and improve to have the forward uniqueness. That is health.
I actually do have a comfortable life here in Canada being born here.
It depends on the main perspective you hold. Being born here I can actually do what I want.
All that is missing is working and socializing with other Vietnamese born in the West to have that connection and familiarity of living being born in the West.
Basically only socializing with people born in the West so we feel and understand what is up really as we have the supports and freedom to think and do.
Being born in the West has this challenge.
You are treated bad or good based on where your parents come from. Just outright cruel. People don’t expect anything good from you if your country is seen in a bad light.
They don’t understand the complexities of human interaction and history. They just see the extreme worst of the worst of things terribly.
But when you are 40 years old, you can not act low level no more or risk getting sick. If you know this in your early years like 17 years old, then you know working on yourself as a man is needed and travelling more to learn about your history, world history and all the perspectives.
So if you are born in Canada, you just do your thing disregarding everyone really. It doesn’t help you to associate with anyone negativity and follow a downward path. You can actually go around all the negativity here in Canada from all groups just doing your thing with your friends and people.
Again everyone has something to share that is good if given the time and opportunity.
I realize more and more now, it is about other Vietnamese born here in the West. We just connect and live our lives however it might be here in Canada. Our situation is the same but also each is unique.
When you get really old and socialized enough with your people finally, you realize no one is smarter than the other. Everyone has a different take on life.
I socialized with Vietnamese born in Canada and I finally developed my brain. I filled the missing part.