
Updates (December 6, 2024)

You really have to get in the zone I realize and do your thing that makes you happy, fulfilled and intelligent to pass through to the other side which is old adulthood thinking.

This is with socialization and friends like Ben.

You improve your thinking at the end.

I was on the public transit the other day taking a trip to see my friend in Mississauga. I met other older people on the bus and train. We judged each other on how mature we are now at middle age. They found out that I worked on myself and built myself. Many were surprised. I worked with Ben Cybulski and it showed … all were stunned really.

Well I have to. There is no point of living meaningless and out of picture? But you don’t realize this until you have nothing to do and try doing something. You work in your field and then meet cool people.

Life is all sorts of thinking and ‘trouble’. You have to try and do something and see the results and reflect after that. Sometimes doing something might be trivial. For example doing programming requires a lot of learning and doing and you get ideas from others and can improve them and make it your own.

The time and effort to do so is exponential. It won’t take 1 hour but 2-3 days.

But you have to try something and improve something and do something.

But again it was all working with cool people like Ben.

I went to Mississauga. I went to eat at a Vietnamese restaurant for pho with my friend. I felt at home there. I could act Vietnamese like I am in Vietnam there.

But this time it was different. Because I work with Ben Cybulski my thinking has changed from being dreary and depressed to be open minded and positive. The people there noticed and were intrigued and wanted to interact with me. Again this was all because of Ben Cybulski.

I guess in life you interact and interact with more positive and smarter people than you eventually making you change to have experiences and understanding of the range of life.

It is your accomplishments and way of doing things that make you or break you.

So you need to do what you feel and then after you can ignore everyone.

How you approach your problems and trauma and personal problems is what makes you. It is what makes you different.

It might take years and years to solve your personal problems but you have to. You can do that in Canada.

Living life without the burden of school on the mind, I can finally understand socializing as an individual person here in Canada who is a born a citizen here.

I don’t have to worry about PR or citizenship or worried working like an newcomer. I just live my life as a Canadian. I have to or there is no health or no feel good feelings.

That is the duality of being coloured. You can work hard and hard and harder than an immigrant maybe or just do Western things like a Canadian citizen as you have the thinking like a Western person by being born here.

You might get too worried and wrapped up thinking so harshly thinking you have to make tons of money and work like a professional job.

Most Vietnamese born in the West have to deal with living their parents dream or theirs.

I am the first gen so I feel both really. But I guess this is normal.

Anyways it was satisfying and worth it the last 11 years working in tech.

When people project negativity to me in public, I project to them that I have done stuff that is pretty worthwhile and different … They realize that and are pretty stunned in a good way. I am not projecting a negative tone back …

Some people forget that people grow up and mature. It is 50 years after the Vietnam War and I tried to do something with myself with the help of God and my friends. But isn’t that just life? The world is cooked???

And again everyone can do it if they take the time to follow their passions and meet smarter people. They really have to open up and let their mind be free.

That is the simple trick in life.

And you can do this in Canada.

The world is cooked but you can actually zone out and do your thing and live better with the right supports and people. Nothing secret about this.

Nothing is 100% good and 100% bad. Working with smarter people allowed me to break free from all the negativity projected to me. Simple like that.

Families that have kids that are smart and nice like Ben know this. As Ben’s friend I support him to become the best he can. You just do.

The USA election and economics are really interesting. You see top economist and scientists debating and I am here listening and don’t know what is going on. But that means something different at my age and stage in life. I know and understand more because I have been focusing on myself and doing the things I have been doing.

But it gets to a point where you almost know as much as them because you have already worked on yourself and with smarter people.

Then you realize after that you need a PhD and need the knowledge, work and experience like the ones you see on TV too. After working with smarter people like Ben you realize you want a life like them and it isn’t that hard off because you have been working on yourself with smarter people.

Go back to school and get that degree?

You have to learn and grow regardless of whatever anyone says. In the West is constantly growing and learning.

Those people who stop you from growing and learning, you have to get away from them.

I see this all the time and even at my age.

If you don’t grow and learn you will die.

The people stopping you don’t know life. They don’t know your life.

At the end people will change and grow. They had to realize what they are doing. They realize they are at fault.

Everyone has their way of doing things. Even after all the socialization and learning from others, you still have your way of living. You have to keep that I think to stay stable and good. Ignore the opposing views as nothing is 100%.

You learn from others but you always have the way you do things I think.

After really going in working in computers 2020 and meeting cool people, this is really normal now and expected???

I am an average guy who likes computers.

I worked with Ben Cybulski and others and after a long time I realize what is happening. I am just working with the greats. I am an average guy who like programming 40% of the time and work with the greats in the field. It is as simple as that.

I improved my thinking and skills working alongside them.

What does that truly mean in the broader sense?

Some people don’t have the opportunity to work with people. It is because most of the time they are still young and in school. You get a chance to work with the greats outside in the real world.

You then realize the greats like Ben have the type of mindset you want and need. It is not the average person who dictates the way to live and do things. The average person doesn’t see anything beyond 6 feet.

It is outside in the real world that you get the opportunity to work with amazing people.

So the young people and immature people don’t see enough until they get out into the world.

It is simple like that.

What does it mean for average people like me? I guess you got the benefit of working with the greats. I am lucky or not? People born in a first-world country has the same opportunities as me. So I just chose to work with Ben. It was a choice like everyone else has one day when they get outside working.

So what now???

For the software I created with the team, I had my input to address what I felt was needed because of the problems I faced. It is as simple as that when I look at life now at 40 years old.

So anyone having trouble in life, you can attain the skills and accomplishments for a better life combating the naysayers by going through the process doing schooling, avoiding naysayers and work out in the field to improve yourself with smarter and nicer people. This is natural if you go through the process.

Outside in the real world and when people get old, nothing really matters but improving yourself and learning.

How I feel is from being born in Canada. But does it really matter? I can just work with people on my frequency and ignore everyone. It is normal to have this. Everyone has their own. Again nothing is 100%.

So 50 years after the Vietnam War, how do I feel? Some things never change with people. Therefore you got to accept people how they are and work away doing your thing to improve things.

But I really think I can do stuff in Mississauga here where all the Vietnamese are … I need to grow my foundation???

How to not get hurt from people outside in public. Be yourself but also have to grow. Most people think simply (race and culture and living ‘blah’) but it does nothing for you if your people are seen in a bad light generally. Do something with your life and then be yourself with the pursuit of accomplishments and old age and maturity. Have those accomplished done for old age. Your uniqueness will show. Your uniqueness is all you have really to show.