
Updates (November 7, 2024)

Being a young adult was fun. Now I am 40 years old and learning about life after schooling.

While still in school and working odd jobs, it was scary at times meeting people because when you went out into the world there were 3 types of personalities you meet.

  1. People who just say everything is OK and just accept the way things are
  2. People who challenge themselves to work harder and more efficiently everyday. They “work hard”.
  3. People who go to the moon

You have to socialize with all 3 types to understand how “nice” life is.

1 and 2 is OK. It is strenuous and kind of sad …

3 is for people who are older and done high-high-level school and worked and done a lot. They realize life is up to you to make it good.

You realize after talking and interacting with #3, no one really cares and if they care they will look up on you to do the same as you one day. They will feel jealous, regret and then look at life broadly here in Canada and do the same as #3. They will live each and every day to come to that lifestyle.

Life is all about trying to eliminate the risks.

That means being educated, experienced and trying more and doing more.

Smart people will inspire you and will tell you to work harder and smarter to stay sharp. That is all you need. You need to stay sharp.

There is nothing wrong about being able to stay sharp. Being sharp is everything when you look at it …

I think you really have to learn from everyone. I learned to do the maths and practice the hard things in life to be able to build on your own. I learned this from going to school in Scarborough.

Nothing is given for free. You must earn everything. Especially being able to do the maths and build your own.

You have to put in the effort everyday to build that foundation and core knowledge and skill to have building skills to feel good and healthy.

Then you have everything you want and more. Good amount of excess is great to be able to have room to exercise and have fun and enjoyment in this stressful world.

Doing the bare minimum and being OK with everything and complainant is more stressful because you get squeezed and get tunnel vision.

This reel is really high level. I am realizing it now. Having large capacity to do things is so much. Choosing to empower others is the perplexing power.

As an Asian guy, all I have is my mind and skills. I got to just build that and enjoy that. Right?

After thinking creative, life is just that extra level.

When you get to that level and rested on that and worked on that level tolling away, life get good, plateaued, constant, and calm and rested.

If I did not have Ben Cybulski to show me this, I would understand the mind and growing the mind. Grow the mind separate from your body and separate from superficial needs and wants really.

That is what people don’t teach you in schools and everyday life.

This extra level is everything. You want to stay on this level every moment.

You realize this after living and doing.

Anyways, there is still stuff to learn and experience. Especially at old age. Having a wide range of people to learn from is important.

Going shopping everyday for small things doesn’t allow you experience life. You got to put yourself out there to see everything with a range of people.

But everything is gradual. Life is OK in Canada. You don’t have to worry really in Canada.

So it is nice to grow and experience new things in time.

It is not the stressful and constant competition you see the media and young people think of everyday.

You can and got to grow and experience life here in Canada. That will give you health and drive.

In my home alone, I really don’t think about people no more. I used to think so much about how I treat people and how people treat me when I was younger. But when you get so old you see everything is fine here in Canada and can do things that you enjoy in your alone time. You just do things.

Everything more I see is quite doable. Anymore is stuff you have to learn and experience. Any more is almost excess. But you have to learn more because that minimizes risks as you learn how to manage new and upcoming problems. Life is constant learning and doing.

At the end of the day, things are OK.