
Updates (October 20, 2024)

How do my relatives and friends live in Vietnam?

When I went home to Vietnam many times, I am met with my relatives and friends there who think very forward.

They always ask what I am doing and why I am back home in Vietnam?

I always thought of going back home to Vietnam to relax and live simply like my father did back 40+ years ago.

I go back to Vietnam to reset and take in what I think Vietnam is to me.

Most of my life in Canada, my mind is running alongside other Westerners. When I go back to An Giang province, I come there to take in the scenes and turn off my mind.

But now adays, everyone is mostly chasing money and dreams and getting their constant fix of dopamine trying to aspire for Western things.

As a old middle-aged man now, I had quite enough of that. I aspire to do old things. Like learn and grow my skillset and learn to live in old age.

I learned programming can go forever and it is endless. That is what startles me once you go full programmer.

Once you had enough of the quick fixes of dopamine from young adulthood, then you really get vested in yourself and learning deep. Deep into the minds of older adults who are teaching old standard things.

After doing what I wanted, did more, wrestled of doing more, updated, wrestled some more of doing more again, I learned all this forward tech stuff is kind of extra. I am not really living. I am not living fully. It is great to study and work hard so much. But once you hit the very end and pushed more, any more seems very tiresome and out of human character. Just live now knowing you can push for more tech and creative stuff.

Knowing that most programming and system designs have already been made in the past 70 years, you feel assured you aren’t actually worried, stressed and tiresome tiring to think so hard and forward meeting your life goals. Having that in the back of your mind you can just find a book on the topic or problem you are interested in.

Having accepted and put away this understanding, you can finally socialize more with people instead of trying to figure out life all the time. You can grow in more different ways.

I have my own way of looking at things. I should keep it and build it up so I can do things and build things. Men like building things. I like building things. That is the key for good living. Building things.

I got to keep building. That makes me feel good.

Reels that I have come across that help me understand life at my stage in life:

People want agency and want to be treated like adults. You have to ask people what they want. Don’t assume.

There is someone you admire for being so nice, caring and forward. They let you see the humanity and progress. first video talking about pushing people to improve

When you get older, it maybe right to push people to improve. It is an act of love and agency to help improve standards and people.

Talk about the universe. Expand your mind. Remember your youth when you just learned and wondered.

Take the time to enjoy and be present. That will bring in everything you need. That is the start. That is the start of everything.

People who don’t show outward have lots inside. You want a lot of internal wealth. That is health.

Use your time wisely. 0 – 40 years old is addition and research. After that use your time wisely to grow and enjoy.

Just do things even if it amateurish. You have to try. You have to try something to start. Then you grow and change.

Life after 40 gets harder. You got to strap in there and work and work and work to have anything worthwhile if you want it enough.

I was born in the West and just had fun most of my life. But living that way is bad and not good. The better thing to do is aspire. It is better than the alternative. It is better than bad. It is better than just being. It is the better “good” option.

Do your talent in this world. The Internet will help allow you to show.

I guess I am at the stage where I am growing and losing in my life. All this blogging and things I am doing is just a part of life at middle-age here in the West.

I did not really realize doing what you want in life would one day connect you to other jobs and careers in the future. Also new ways of thinking and ideas.

Allowing yourself to do your passions would give you an angle of how to live in the West. Not just stress looking to take on stressful jobs for the sake of money and prestige. But have a method and way of living.

For example, from what I learned about immigrants and Asians, attaining medical professions are the greatest attainment.

Only if you are born a medical professional then you should do it mainly.

If you are giving medical advice and services to people, you should look at the psychological and social cause of aliments if it is.

As a Vietnamese guy and living in the West, there are a lot of things I need to improve to feel confident and proud.

I am trying really hard and pushing subconsciously because I don’t feel good. I guess this “placement” helps push me though.

It would be nice to have lots of established social equity but that in turn is bad because that will make you lazy. Nothing is win-win.