
Updates (October 17, 2024)

What do you do outside of school and work?

I am really learning to socialize and live now.

These are things I am noticing:

  • After 1-2 years outside after finishing school you walk around outside a lot to get out there with people and share and live amongst people. You notice that there are only 2/3 groups of people:
    • Young adults who are growing, shouting, playing and being. They are really forward and want to be seen for who they are at the moment. Young and ambitious fighting for what they believe in. They are learning about themselves and the world. They really want to change something they find polarizing and unjust to them. Some are old adults at young age with old souls though.
    • Retired people. They lounge and roam about in coffee shops and grocery stores and sometimes malls. They worked all their lives and now accept life as it is at old age and accept the changing culture and demographics of the West. They learned to accept and let it go.
  • After seeing the 2 groups then I realize I am still growing and learning. I don’t really belong as I am middle-aged now. I should just accept the way things are and going and go home focusing on my stuff and enjoyment. You can’t change huge common beliefs. As an Vietnamese guy, I think I live independently and uniquely. What I do and say is my own. So I should just concentrate on myself and what I want to provide and do. I finally see that. It is not group thinking for me. Not nationalistic or race based for me. I can not function with others who have group thinking. Well I kind of have to if I plan to work in the public sector in the future …

I learned something from being coloured. I finally see the colored thinking I have after 1 – 2 years outside.

As a coloured person, I think clouded. What I have to do to survive in the world and live well is do the activity I can tolerate. Find the torture you are comfortable with and you will do well. It is just like that.

After socializing with Vietnamese people from Vietnam and North America and finally getting really educated, I can see the differences.

It took me 40 long years to get away from my negative low thinking. I was taught to think low level and the same as everyone else at school and at normal work places with my teachers, managers and peers.

Once you can really think, think like producing products and services and then creatively outside the box, then you see how society really is. You see how things are are and going.

You see the differences in the North American born population and the immigrant population.

You really have to think outside the box. Try really hard to do the things you want and see the other side that you worked so hard for and formed.

At the end of the day as a Vietnamese man born in Canada at 40 years old, I just have my small unique thinking sometimes to do things a bit my way and different. It is also what I have kind of.