
Updates (October 15, 2024)

I am learning to socialize more … I am reflecting on life outside school and outside institutions.

Life is bigger than what I like to do.

I need a life now after doing what I want solo for the last 4 decades. I need a strategy how to make money and have my own family in Canada.

But I learned this about programming:

There isn’t really anything new in software. Everything has already been made before. Programming has been done 70 years ago. Programmers these days aren’t really building anything new.

Does that mean if I continue to learn everything about programming there is a fixed limit? I can actually learn all programming things to make me a good programmer in time? It would be sweet to learn all this and be strong and confident at the end.

Before I was scared of continuing programming thinking it would take forever and is a long steep uphill journey. But software is done. All you need to do is learn it from examples, books and trial and error while living life. Then you will be an expert. It is an reachable goal. That is a stress relief for me after understanding this.

Teachers and other people and the media made programming seem impossible and I wanted to give up. I guess they don’t understand or are liars??? … What was I being sold?

There are 2 faces to living here in Canada. There are two routes.

  1. You can live forward with Westerners
  2. You can live in your culture for the most part.

I need other Vietnamese to socialize with to try to have something forward and some basis to talk about common Vietnamese quirks and things. I guess it is socializing with Westernized Vietnamese makes all the difference. Mostly the ones born here in Canada.

Living completely coloured is somewhat wrong. It is not 100% fulfilling??? But do you need to live so forward?

At the end of the day, focus on what you like doing and see who notices:

You can socialize all you want, but you have to do what you like all day here in Canada to have that enjoyment and growth for yourself. And if your partner thinks that is cool then they are the one???

No need to really collaborate and compete in the outside world here in Canada. Do what you like for yourself and see what is going on. You can really just sit here in Canada and do what you like.

Some people are fiercely independent while other people are 100% collaborators. I am fiercely independent most of the time and do my own thing. I need to do things independently to live here in Canada and for growth and my health.

I am fortunate to have my life. I should be grateful.

When I look at my life, I can see others wanting my life. I should be so humble and grateful to have such a life.

After living and experiencing everything after school and work and reflecting so much and getting plateaus (reaching goals and relaxing), I realize it is all more learning and more work. That is all there is. Living here in Canada is all learning and researching and doing at the end. Only after you reached peak and kept going doing more things reaching more extra goals you made up you realize nothing is really relaxing and fun. It is more just learning and researching and doing. Keep at this cycle of doing more to have a healthy feeling and reaching goals. Setup lots of goals. It is all goal setting and brainstorming. Brainstorming more goals.

At peak, you stop thinking so superficial. You just think at this point. You can no longer think about people, people no more. You get tired of people’s generalized projections which are mostly negative and stay indoors learning and doing things. You just think all day.

This reel made me think:

After making software, developing resources, I still get judged poorly LOL! I guess after so much racism and judgement it is to turn inward and focus on doing better and good.

I did not get a lot of judgement before just living a subpar life. Only after I tried doing stuff and putting myself out there, I got really “defining judgement” from people that set me on a path to doing better and building more.

Living a subpar life was what everyone expected of me and my people …

When you really set goals that are larger than life, then people notice the change in you and what you represent. Then you spring into hard work and making things better for you and people that you represent.

Also going the technological route and being creative makes a great solid difference. No one expects that.