
Updates (October 13, 2024)

How do I really think about life?

After school and finally getting all the skills I want at 40 years old. I guess I sit there and think of what to do and build. As a “Canadian” who did years of school and experiences, I can really just sit here and do things that I mostly want. To get this far, all I did was to aspire for higher things like skills and universal high things. Not money, not materials. Just think high and about society and the world and get the experiences needed to get there and socialize with the right people. Keep positive. I finally hit a comfortable spot. Thinking high got me everything I wanted and more. I have leverage now which gives me enjoyment and fun.

I had to think high after. Thinking low got me problems.

It is very fun and relieving. I struggled for the past 4 decades trying to get my skills. I met some amazing people who helped me get my knowledge and skills. I got a good life now and I am thankful. I realize it after finishing school and work and reflecting over a year.

I list them all in ‘People‘ page in the ‘Why‘ page.

I can really just sit there and think now and not worry or get stressed about anything really now. I guess that is life here in the West which I am thankful for. I aspired for Western things and got what I wanted and more. I think if you target skills building then this is what you get. Like study maths, programming, sciences and physics and doing your thing.

I hit a mature level now.

Now I understand the value of post-secondary school like college or university.

I did not see this before. At the end of the day it was the social connections you make at school and after school. You then have the connections to grow and reflect and do cool Western things if you want.

After school, work finally and finally getting thinner and healthier, my senses became more sharp. I used to be a fat guy just programming things I found fun. After getting my physical health back, I see technology and making software as “bad”. I am looking at the angle where it makes people lazy and not be healthy and makes the world change to a point where everyone can not enjoy the simple plain life. Everyone is now rushing to make the next more efficient and streamlined things causing stress and anxiety and fear for normal people. Ughhh … People now have to be smart and adapt as things get technological.

Am I wrong to think this? When I am fat, I believe in inventing and making things easier. When I am skinny I think of just enjoying all parts of life that you can enjoy: like walking, coffee, reading, eating, talking, people, etc.

Developing software is excellent. But I need a strategy to live in Canada now. I need to make a life here in Canada. I know I can not program 18 hours a day because I don’t like all the ‘engineering’. It is not me when I am in my good zone. I think I have to work in healthcare again.

The software I like to develop is the only thing I like to do in computers. I don’t really want to do anything else in computers. But learning everything else including engineering helps with my software …

Life can go 2 ways now.

  1. Keep staying home coding for life which is good and OK
  2. Work out in the world and learn to get along and have a normal life that is pretty stress free.

I don’t really want to code for life???

After socializing and learning all the multicultural things here in Canada, I figure out the only thing that makes old people happy is learning more. Learning more gives you everything and more.

I think it is good to talk about this ‘blog’ but you actually have to act and do more.

It is important to go forward. At rest and in your space, when you are alone, what do you think and do? Do people have influence on that? I think not. Worrying about people all the time is OK, but what do you really think alone and when you are old? At my age now, do I really want to get working with people in healthcare?

It is all about doing what you want really and looking for more creative solutions to what you are seeking. But I need a pension really LOL!

It is fun and rewarding to just do things your way and see what develops. It took me decades. Good way to self-express.

Software development was a way for my highest self-expression.