
Updates (October 4, 2024)

I was studying previously for the past 4 decades.

My socializing level is poor. I did not socialize enough with people in general and did not socialize with Vietnamese people.

I am socializing in the world but am met with negativity.

I realize this …

You can not really push your way out in society as generally people are just negative. You can only confide with your own people or close friends. Others don’t see what you see uniquely and go to sheer negativity and downwards. They can not fathom positivity as they are “just living”. Just living is negative when you have work, maybe school, wife and kids, mortgage, getting old and saving for retirement.

Also when you are finally educated or just 40 years old with lots of life experiences, most people who are out and about outside are not that educated and are very young and very inexperienced. There are mostly young people outside only doing their thing.

Going outside for coffee seems like a problem when you see other people are just growing and are small minded and negative … basically still “young” people. Thinking in the system.

From the young Canadian born perspective, most people are just negative, competitive and rude trying to get a piece of life in Canada for themselves.

You have to learn to deal with it while outside in public.

My world is pretty small. I just do my thing while everything else is going on in the world.

What I know is small. But living small in my world gave me something. It gave me something different. You can really do that here in Canada though. You can have your own little corner doing your thing.

Outside in public there is push to fall into negative stereotypes and negative categorizes. I feel the energy shift in the room to just label people 99.99999999999% of the time.

You can fight it or let it slide. It is 100% not worth it to fight it when you are old like me.

Just walk away and ignore as people are just negative and compare. Just work with your friends at the end of the day.

People will see at the end …

I learned a lot of socializing for the past year. It is 99.999999999999999999999999999% bad out there LOL!

Everyday you meet someone new and they have a different perspective usually and label others especially when they are young and inexperienced. Everyone wants to be seen as a good person and their actions are right and their group(s) seen in the positive light. But whatever … it is just “young” comparative things they are doing.

What is great, is to focus on having fun for yourself and developing doing things that you find fun and good for yourself. That will build you overall at the end and give you good feelings.

You just have to watch what other “young” people are doing which is “comparing” to make them in the positive. That is outside.

You have to think about people because you have to deal with people at the end of the day when you are finally finished school.

People are the most complex things in the world.

I have a way of living that is me naturally. There are some other people that think and live that I can not work with I think. They are young.

I have been doing my thing with my friends and it is working well.

I am not sure how to deal with everyone with so many different perspectives.

Too many perspectives to appease. But there is the universal truth at the end …

I guess you have to focus on yourself at the end. Everyone needs to do that. Just doing stuff to keep you happy and busy will allow everything to grow.

I have a natural way I grew up with that was fun and jolly. I should just do that all day.

After getting out there in the world for over a year, I realize you can not actually take in everything that is going on and you just have to live your life. Keep busy and enjoy it! I worry too much …