
Updates (September 30, 2024)

When I am done school and out on my own, I have to figure a way to live.

I still have to keep the abundance mindset.

You have to have solitude, prioritize sleep, practice gratitude, know your purpose, pray, know the word, seek support and forgive. Also practice the way you know is right.

In the back of your mind you have to be active and proactive.

In the end, you don’t have to work with young adults no more really. You got to keep your peace of mind and just concentrate on yourself for your own health and trajectory far, far, far into old age. You got to protect your well being for the next 40 years. I got to think dark and clouded like that to have anything meaningful and worthwhile.

Odd thing, I can work with Ben or just myself. The reality is that I need to work on myself to grow and develop and mature. I need to think and grow my way that will give me what I need.

After a while, things just become normalized. The things my group of friends and I do is “going”.

The Vietnam face of things. I think after school and work, I see my fellow Vietnamese seeing me and I see my fellow Vietnamese here in Canada. It is from the “Vietnamsphere”: Vietnamese who have been Westernized angle. I finally grew up. My fellow Vietnamese I grew up since 2017 with are finally out and about. There is seeing each other at eye-level now.

It took a while LOL! After school and work and about a year.

I can act like myself now. But with the education and experiences.

Funny thing, I grew up in Ajax, Ontario and always had this mindset of trying to do something and not spend money and not doing other things that are not too way out of my feel good space. Now that I am done doing what I wanted and needed, there is somewhat more. But not really. I guess your gut instinct is best and you should listen to it.

Doing educational and meaningful products was well worth it. I have this angle where it is education and accomplishments. This is what makes life worth it.

After a while, after finishing school and doing the things you wanted and needed in life (all the education and accomplishments to the max and more), there is this Vietnamese thinking apart from Western and apart from other cultures. No influences just Vietnameseness with your older finished school Vietnamese people.

You then see the other Vietnamese people who are just like you. The fog and stress of school, work and life has subsided.

After things have subsided and you can think clear now, you realize the angle you approached life with had value and was a way.

The positivity you held was what kept things good. You can not lose that. You must hold onto the positivity.

I am like the oldest Vietnamese born in the West. I kept going doing my thing and reached the other end. It took so long but was so worth it. I knew the way deep down.

I needed to finished school last year and see life. Life has got to me. Now I can socialize with the proper people.

While in school for the past 40 years, I was always in the zone of school studying and acting childish and happy to prevent negativity.

I needed to finish school and flourish, reach my potential. Then I can see people.

I don’t think many people see that when they first enter post-secondary school. They judge too quickly when they are young.

Also people limit other people and have negative thinking and views. Different perspectives too that can be limiting to others and for themselves.

As a coloured person, you can not have limiting views on yourself or others.