
Updates (September 18, 2024)

You can develop.

Learn and develop.

You really got to do your thing with what you have. That is the only way you can progress and learn.

Seems like any more development seems awkward and too much? How much deeper?

Right now I got to be productive everyday to feel good.

It is important to do something positive for myself.

How much do I really know?

Can programming be enough? I hope so.

Life problems seems large. Just need to take it day by day.

My life changed so much when I started to do programming. It seems more and more. And then you got to deal with everything else. It made me handle stress better. You don’t think about your past life much.

Thinking more now …

With all the interactions, things are changing. Thoughts are changing and new perspectives. It startles me to see these changes.

Change is good and welcomed I think.

You got to keep this perspective … that you don’t know. Be open minded.