
Updates (September 17, 2024)

I guess you have to understand the perspectives of others.

But most of the time they are boxed.

Only when you think out of the box then new things happen and flow. More and more interactions of different people pushing the limits.

To do programming my way, I have to be open minded.

I think as a Vietnamese born in Canada, I finally understand the Vietnamese in Toronto.

We all try to do Western things but are somewhat still Vietnamese??? But all old people in their 40s just aspire for Western thinking …

I socialized with Vietnamese from Vietnam and Vietnamese born here in Canada.

The Vietnamese born here in Canada understand me maybe 100% I think. They understand me more after they finish school and work …

Once the Vietnamese from overseas stay in Canada for awhile (finish school and work for 2-3 years) then they understand the things I do.

You really got to brainstorm here in the West. You observe your surroundings and see what is going on. You put forward your efforts and see what interactions happen. That is if you really want to brainstorm.

I think the Vietnamese born in Canada just really understand me … Lucky I found them and we can grow.

I realize there has to be meaning from the beginning to do anything worthwhile here.

I am at the point where there is meaning. If there is no meaning there is nothing??? There needs to be meaning.

I do what I feel is right???

If I do what others want, I don’t develop … ???