
Updates (September 16, 2024)

It takes time.

Enjoy life in Canada.

Gotten to the point to just enjoy things daily.

Oh man … I am growing.

I used to be just a computer technician eating discounted ice cream for $1 in 2017-2018.

After working my field and socializing in my field and with people in schools I grew.

Growing is good I guess.

I wonder if I would be happy enough here in Canada owning or co-owing my own computer repair store still?

When your mind has expanded this much, what do you really think about now and the future?

I don’t like programming a lot. It has risen from 40% to 50-60% from 2020 to 2024.

I don’t have many people to talk to about this journey of work. I only talk to a few friends about my skill growth.

I guess this maybe normal.

I used to think I needed to socialize more outside my groups, but it seems like I socialized enough and am met with “fueled emotions” from other people. Some good and some bad.

I guess I learn from everything and try to convert it to growing. Growth in continuing doing the things I am doing.

Socializing with Vietnamese peoples helped me so much. It put my life trajectory on just “education and working”.

Socializing with my close friend group was relaxing and growth. It is open and everything is good.

Socializing with other groups was learning from getting older and trying to change and grow from negative stereotyping done from other groups. By really focusing on growth and maturity and your own alternative perspective help myself and help others.

My perspective on developing tools helps me think differently and I can show that to other people which is cool. I think you got to provide a different perspective on growth that is you.

Growth and getting more intelligence is good. It has enabled me so much. It has given me opportunity and good feelings.

But sometimes I think I should do something else and have a different environment … But coding has given me a lot and from learning a lot. I can do this in Canada.

On the mature side, you just grow old and become more knowledgeable.

It is exciting when you can increase it as it is healthy and feels good.

The way my life is, is OK. I think I need to get out there more still. But can’t really …

This way is healthy so far. Can it improve? Only if the scenario is open, positive to allow for universal growth.

I guess this is what happens when you get old. There is more when you start interactions.