
Updates (September 15, 2024)

Still developing … mindset, cultural understanding while doing my thing …

I guess that is what happens now when you are on your own now out in the world. There is no school or real guidance now. Trial and error. Fun!

I don’t know much of what I am doing. It is just winging it daily. But it is OK. I can just take it day-by-day in Canada.

I realized if I have nothing to do and not doing what I like, I get unhappy, unmotivated and lost. I will continue doing the things I love.

After school and out in the world, everything is different and you are out on your own. Everyone has their own perspective. It is up to you to learn from everyone. You see limits, boundaries and different ways of life.

It is fun. In Canada everything goes really. Everyone is learning.

Learning from everyone then taking it in and then being practical is what is next.

I think there is a limit in everything …

I work with Ben Cybulski and he has lots of ideas. He taught me everything starting from zero to ‘everything’.

When do I just live simply?

When do I just live?

Yeah I hit this point … I am tired LOL!

I need a simple life now I think. Realistic expectations heh.

Now I know quite a bit from working with Ben Cybulski. Now can I live simply?

Working with Ben changes everything. I guess that is what life is.

I guess after after school, after working then you realize the whole picture of the world.

You see your limitations. You try and have hope for better things. You also try to have somethings basic.

Working with Ben Cybulski changed how I do things and see things. More so after finishing school and doing work.

You reach a point where you have your feelings, understand them, contain them, then their is work to do with Ben’s ideas.

Is there any other ideas worth really doing?