
Updates (September 14, 2024)

People do what they want.

Mature stuff at 35+ years old.

You have to keep loving and improving yourself.

I got to keep growing and evolving for myself to mature inside and out.

I must keep be keeping busy doing work and the things I love. I can do this in Canada.

Doing web development is OK … I am learning more and more how big the scope is. It is getting bigger and bigger as I delve deep into it …

I must focus more … focus on doing more and becoming more that is me … I think at this stage in life it is just self-development.

That is all there is at this point in life? Self-development? Everything seems internal now …

This is all said and good, but you still got to do practical stuff. The focus is still on products and application as the driver of most things. That is the goal.