
Updates (September 13, 2024)

I socialized a lot now.

Now I understand life is both trying to grow as an individual but also be broad and fit in.

I could only do this while working.

I went outside and socialized …

I realize you just got to do you more and more through the bad interactions. You grow and grow from bad interactions. Some people are so set in their ways that they have no outside thinking.

I understand people. People project and try to understand people in the worst possible way first. To protect themselves and to keep themselves only in the positive light.

Many people just focus on negative scenarios all day and everyday as that is what they expect. They expect the least from everyone. You got to be prepared for the worst.

Once you understand that then you got to do what you like more and more and refine it while understanding all the bad interactions you get daily from everything and everyone.

Everyone likes what they like. When you are alone you do things that you like naturally. Everyone has a hobby and everyone has ideas. You got to build that to make yourself “good”. At the end of the day all you have is yourself and your hobbies really.

People in public places project negative feelings to make themselves better than another persons when they are young and immature most of the time. Once you understand that in society then you can just stay idle, take the criticism and when they are finished projecting, project back what is going on. Show people their negative projections to them. Show how they think negatively and show how things became the way they are. Then the dust will settle and everyone is OK.

I figured this out after working more in thinking jobs.

Show how they like to project negativity to make themselves better. Show why you act the way you do in society here to avoid “created problems”. Show they are part of the problem. Show how they are egging more to the problems to make themselves look positive only. Then step back 100 yards and think broadly as you can and just do what you like independently without disregarding their small-minded negative projections. Show from the worldly distance how people are affected by society and what they have and what you have and you just work your way around it and in it.

You work to improve things for yourself, have fun and maybe entertain :).

I realized now, most Vietnamese in Canada think and have the same problems as me.

I took the opportunity for the last 15-16 years doing more.

I reached a point where I understand the social dynamics in society of race. Race means a lot for some people. There is really a division.

But as a Vietnamese I am personally independent. I see other Vietnamese have this same issue. Maybe I should explore this more to get over it.

But at the end of the day, it is the people who vibe with you and you just zone out doing your craft here in Canada … The division stops people and is garbage. You have to think outside it in order to do things. I don’t grow internally for my self-development if I just focus on the outside division of people.

Growth and growth with a person forever. It is all about relationships at the end.

Try to think outside the box to be healthy by having your own philosophy and your own peace in life … because you are old LOL.

I need my always evolving way of life for health and peace. I finally realize that now.

Things don’t stop. In the back of your mind you keep growing while showing up in person.