
Updates (September 12, 2024)

I think I have to vent to grow?

Anyways life is just work now. I am learning this everyday. Working alone for the work and working on yourself.

After seeing the interactions I have in public, I am doing good. It is good to change and help change preconceptions. I am developing.

But then again life is just work. Everyone is working on themselves if they understand life and like themselves enough to change for having a better life. But again life is about work. Again for the work and working on yourself.

You can not really do anything but “work” here. Work is good to hold the mind busy and in constant thought to avoid any bad things and bad thinking.

With the negative interactions out in public life generally, I think you got to provide a new alternative perspective. Otherwise you get stuck taking the negative treatment and can not really grow. You become just a stick in the muddy running river. People are people. But when you really take the time to build and develop then that is sweet. You learn to think uniquely and solve problems. Solve problems with yourself.

All my interactions out in public made me think this way. I am happy trying something new.

Once you created enough stuff that is “you” then you can get to the level in life that you are your own person. And this is reflected in your social interactions.

I got to talk about growing as an individual person. I think everyone does when they have finished school and are out in the world trying. Also when you get old, you got to figure out how to live healthy and peaceful with growth too.

Even in everyday life after schooling and work, you see limits in people’s thinking. You see limits when you pushed. It took me a while. Pushing so hard to finish school for years, then working web development using both left and right sides of the brain showed me almost everything … If you don’t push then you might be limited … You won’t see what life is at the level of a web developer and beyond???

Staying in school for the rest of your life is probably the best way to live life really maybe??? If you continue to do academia the trajectory is up and up. But you maybe met with barriers in the politics and the drama … That is a limiting in itself

Some people work at companies or for themselves and learn out in the real world.

I wonder how much I can apply myself …

Zoning out more? Or at this point just living life simply working and enjoying and taking things day-in and day-out? I think the 2nd option.

I like to crunch … I like the stress … Also I like the coffees … Also I am running out of time???

I need more pizzas.