
Updates (September 8, 2024)

After working and living out life, I realize what happens in the past means nothing much no more …

What happens at school is just school. What happened when you were 25 years old means nothing as you have gotten “old”.

As I venture out into the world 1+ year after school, what matters is what is in the real world and the future.

I am meeting people out on the street criticizing me. Just socializing in public, I get these interactions that try to box me in. Old ways of thought …

So I got to keep building and pursuing my passions to have a sense of purpose. Going outside kind of sucks when you see so much negativity and stereotypical thinking.

I got to keep educating and developing. That is all there is to life after school and work. You work on yourself.

I experienced enough about life generally at middle-age now. Now I need to really work in the old stage of life. That means to educate yourself for life. Develop new ideas and thoughts. Develop countering perspectives that bring the conversation up.

When I don’t study and program no more, I get headaches and lose a sense of purpose. I guess I got old now finally and find enjoyment from being alone and studying now.

If I never did the things I did independently like build software my way, I would not be proud and have my own alternative perspective. I would not have my own way to counter negativity and counter negative stereotypes against me. I can completely avoid general expectations of life because I did things my way.

I guess doing things my way worked out for me instead of just following the crowd and giving in.

It is 50 years after the Vietnam War. I am so lucky to be born in Canada. I am 40 years old. I did not pursue a general life because I can do what I want here in Canada. I developed my own way and it worked out pretty good. I took my time because I knew deep down the things I learned and experienced needed time and also I am a little slow. I enjoy my time and enjoy being alone.

Being alone all the time stunted my growth. But after I finally did what I wanted, when I go out in public I can finally learn how to live and counter general stereotypical thinking.

As the first Vietnamese born in the West after the Vietnam War everything is new to me. I don’t get along with other people who have generalities about everything. I am developing things new as I don’t have someone to follow. I ignore people who have general criticisms about me.

Also doing things my way really shows out in public. People don’t expect this. Mainly young people don’t expect what I did. Old people are not really surprised as anything can happen.

I saw the biggest benefit by blocking out negative opposing people and developing things alone in my room. I get smarter and my mood is good and therefore my health is good. I also got better looking. That is what people don’t tell you. If you do stuff that is independent and brainy, everything turns out good in your way.

Also, to do programming uniquely your way in your zone is like the best way to do life. When people outside come and see you, you have a very alternate lifestyle. Most people are people-centered out in the world. When you go out of your way to develop things new and different that is “you”, you have developed something “charming” about you that people look. You are no longer just a number.

With the Canadians, there is this general white thinking. Canadians are white while everyone else is colored and the white way is the dominant thought process. With Asians there is this intelligence, lookism, and racism. I am new to this as Vietnamese just came here to the West mainly. Therefore I ignore this general thinking and mainly be by myself developing my own ways. I could never get along with anyone except my friends Ben and Dmitry because they don’t look at culture and race. I need to develop my own way and don’t accept the general old ways. Now I know why I don’t have many friends and hang out with people who are similar to me.