
Updates (September 5, 2024)

All you need is that one person that supports you.

You also need the environment that let’s you be your best and in a good mood.

I also learned this too. Instead of looking at people generally. Look at their energy and vibration they emit.

To bring yourself up, work with people who have naturally higher energy vibration.

I think you can bring up your energy vibration too.

An example of higher thinking is computer programming. It is abstract.

When you go further by being creative in programming then that is even higher thinking.

I guess talking about coding and more things associated with it, you increase your energy vibration more and more.

I think this is in terms of work.

But outside in the world, people are very general and negative if they live a negative life.

It is up to you to go through the paces of life and finally reach a point where you have to live a high energy vibration life by working on yourself.

I did finally through programming.

By watching my fellow Vietnamese from Vietnam friends go through school (uni) and then land careers in programming, it showed me the way to a high energy vibration life like theirs. That is all there is.

Just concentrate on your friends who are on your energy level and maybe have the same background (same culture: Vietnamese for me) to learn from and connect with to make things easier.

Therefore you can live the best life possible.

The best life possible for me is to sit there in a nice office chair programming away without a care in the world about anything else. I think that is the only way to program.

It is the only way to live for me. Especially in this modern world where everything is fast pace and technological. That was the missing key for me to program. I just had to program carefree.