
Updates (September 4, 2024)

I got to just do what I want.

Done venting.

It takes me a day or two to adjust and learn from my social interactions.

I understand my situation. In reality, I never need to complain. I am very, very fortunate and my life is good. But I got to grow, evolve and change like everyone else in this world. That is all I have to say to my critics. I got to grow, evolve and change like everyone else in this world.

After seeing some friends grow where they function as a perfect examples of programmers, I will copy them. They are perfect functioning people I see. I want their life. Programming is so great. I think it is worth it for everyone to try to do it. I think there is no better activity than programming. I haven’t found anything else better or worth doing.

Enough socializing outside for now. I need to focus and help and enjoy myself to feel good, healthy and grow.