
Updates (September 3, 2024)

Socializing and the public reflection 1 year plus after finishing school and working …

I still get critics at my age of 40 years old. I look pretty old now and get negative criticism. I guess I am not acting like the old toss away like people expect for old people …

I guess because I did what I wanted in life here in Canada (finally LOL) which is pretty unique I get critics. I did it slowly and enjoyed life here in Canada as I am a Canadian born citizen. I got nothing to really worry about as a Canadian but I get critics … Mainly they are younger and/or don’t have my unique life experiences of being Vietnamese-Canadian in a Canada where it is ‘biased’ … I got to avoid them … They haven’t experienced my life so they don’t understand. No one understands anyone I guess. I will leave it at that.

Regardless, it seems like the only group that doesn’t negatively criticize me are Vietnamese people …

So I guess I will just go “more Vietnamese” and develop and work in my Vietnamese community to get space and opportunity to work from. The more I socialize with Vietnamese people, I feel I actually grow more without the negative and push back from “other people” sometimes. I grow uniquely and healthy when I network with other Vietnamese my age as they have a wealth of experiences and knowledge from their goals, problems and growing pains.

That is what I am experiencing as of late. After school and working and living now, I am getting ‘biased’ treatment LOL. I guess people don’t like new immigrants? This is natural for everyone I guess. All new immigrants get the ‘biased’ treatment in the beginning …

But usually really old people like 55+ years old let me do what I want because diverse thinking is “reality”. More diversity thinking brings about new ideas and opportunities and new perspectives to share.

I always forget this when dealing with people in the public … As a new immigrant to Canada at 40 years old now, everything is new to me. I don’t have a guided pathway. Winging everything at this point as a Vietnamese-Canadian. Lots of growing pains. So I be nice and do my own thing I guess for myself and my future and my children one day.

When I look at this problem more, I can not follow “other Asian people” who are established here in Canada for 100s of years. They are set in their ways. It seems like my pathway being born here should be just to focus intensely on my passions. I met some other Vietnamese from Vietnam and the most successful ones who don’t do healthcare just focus 120% on their passions and zone out in them for hours, days, their entire life??? It gives them everything they need. They don’t think about anything else but their passions. That is what makes it work.

I always forget. Programming is like so abstract. It is a completely different lifestyle. Only other programmers understand programmers life.

Programmer need to be creative. It requires open mindedness. That is all. It is not about making efficient structures and processes. It requires such a open mind that you don’t need anything else worrying the mind.

If people criticize and judge you, then they don’t understand a programmer’s life.

Also with programming, the end of the horizon is vastness of open space. Programmers are always learning and grasping to create the solution. It is always trying and yearning. It is cool.

Also as a person, I lack programming in my bloodline. Everything is new and I am beginning this solo journey. I lack so I do. Therefore, people outside don’t really matter because no one understands your struggles personally. You have a fire and reason to do the things you want and need to do. You can not have anyone stop you. They don’t understand you and you don’t understand them.

I got to say this. Culture is real. I am forging my own Vietnamese-Canadian path of becoming a programmer. I want to improve and grow and evolve as a Vietnamese-Canadian person my way for my myself. For my health and curiosity.

Also I got nothing in Canada kind of. As new immigrants to Canada, I am the first Vietnamese-Canadians establishing something for myself. I got to do what I can to feel comfortable and established. That is the main driving point.

I got to really stop thinking too much about this and people. I should just focus on my passions.

Anyways, there is just one person here in Canada that understand me really. That person lets me do what I want.

Going outside and socializing is just learning to understand and get along with the younger inexperienced crowd. Old 55+ people let me do what I want because diverse thinking is right.