
Updates (September 2, 2024)

After socializing with Vietnamese from Oshawa at schools and then from Toronto schools I learned a lot.

I learned to think like my Vietnamese people. They think independently.

I started socializing with Vietnamese since 2017 from Oshawa and 2021 from Toronto.

I then connected with the Overseas Vietnamese community from I joined their web portal, LinkedIn and WhatsApp groups.

After socializing from college, to universities and outside to my age, I learned now it is just your passions and the unknown future. I think I learned enough of Vietnamese culture to come to this conclusion.

I don’t really think about other people or other things except the future now. I used to be wrapped up thinking about other groups and what people were doing.

It is just your passions to keep you happy zoned-out and work to sustain you. The outside world is just “running routine” while you work and do your passions I guess.

Society doesn’t really change. It is changing but it really isn’t. There is a system in place … You can not really think around it or in it … All you have is your alone time to delve into your passions with your same frequency friends to feel free and grow and then show it.

There isn’t much to ask. There isn’t much to expect.

I need to keep learning and focused. That is all there is in life I see now.

The portal are doing new modern things. Some are young, some are older. Some are starting their 2nd career. It is 50 years after the Vietnam War and now Vietnamese people are grown up.

I am lucky that there are Vietnamese people younger and older than me showing me their way for me to learn from and grow from. The first couple of decades after the war, Vietnamese were struggling and it came with bad stereotypes. I had to accept it at school and at work.

Now that I am old and look old, I am just too old to really care. I have people the same age now who I can socialize with to focus on growth and the future.

It took me long enough LOL.

I also learned as I am old now, I have to treat people who are younger than me and less experienced than me what they want when out in public now. I am old now and experienced and done what I can and have finally an unique experience and unique accomplishments as a Vietnamese-Canadian. As an old person you have to treat young inexperienced people the best so they feel good and visible and heard at their age to help build them their healthy ego and healthy emotions.

Also I learned now, you have to avoid and don’t bother certain groups because they are used to their systemic leveling of categorizing people. You can not do anything with that. It does nothing for me. Categorizing people doesn’t go deep and humane.

You aren’t supposed to work with people you place limits on you, because that stunts your growth. Your growth like deep inner growth needs to be nurtured. That needs to be developed for everyone.

Coding at professional level route is understandable now. After socializing with old people like me, it is just sitting there thinking about the work. No worrying about people, other people or anything at all. It is just like free relaxing thinking without the impulses or temptation of making money and spending it. Talking to older people gave me the whole new life and mindset to just think and dabble in the coding without really focusing on the other things that give you pressure and dopamine fixes. No bad talk. No seeing the negatives. No young adult thinking like wanting a house, car, 30K in the bank. It is just working in code.

Because I did all my unique accomplishments, when I go in public I share it. I share my unique thinking and unique energy to break the ice to show others life isn’t about the 9-5 clockwork routine downwards life after 25 years old. I show life is unique.

I socialized with Vietnamese groups from Oshawa, Toronto and, Hmmmm … I am thinking what to do next to have fun, grow and entertain. I guess it is all projects. It took me 40 years to get to this point. Lots of sacrifices to learn about the world, working and socializing with kind people from all walks of life.

The goal of coding and finally doing projects and then refining them and doing creative things was so fulfilling and liberating from the daily life of 9-5.

I might be wrong, but coding like for work like web development is just work. Working with Ben Cybulski and Dmitry Nefedov was so new and different.

If I did not work with Ben and Dmitry, I am not sure what would happen to get to this point. Doing new cool things pushed me to code.

I am pretty calm and centered now after finishing school last year and working. I realized my experience in life in terms of school, work, projects and friends gave way to getting mature and doing something different of unique value to exercise and show. The more I refine my skills and do projects the more calmer I become and feel OK. Life is a combination of education, passion and work to help grow for me. It rises above the generally expected. It gives you health and happiness.

The more I talk to young adults the more stressed I get. The more I just “work” the better things get.

The more Vietnamese friends and contacts you make, the more you strive to do “something”. That is for me I guess. Therefore, I guess culture does matter. Especially when you are 40 years old, there is nothing left to do but do “stuff”. But when you are 30, you are still learning and possibly learning a new trade/skill.

Also when going for coffee with my family today, I also reaffirmed and learned again to avoid negative people.

Growing more today, I learned to just code to make it the best and most efficient without worrying about anything else because I am over that now. I learned all the problems of thinking about the problems associated with coding. Like it being tiresome, rather doing something else, wanting fast money … etc.

The more I socialize with Vietnamese and more Vietnamese people, the more I get working. I am pushed to do things to show and say and have a say with my Vietnamese community. And at 40 years old that is all you can do.

After getting old and finally socializing with all people from all walks of life, the defining thing that probably makes people unique is possibly their projects and hobbies I think. In my case, I am doing projects to further myself and make myself.

At 40 years old, you are so old that if someone criticizes you it is just childish.

When you are 40 years old, things are just different. You follow your own path now.