
Updates (September 1, 2024)

There will be always critics.

I look old now and am placed in the old category now. It is peaceful. No one bothers me now for the most part.

But there will be middle-age critics because they still act like young adults.

Out in public, middle-age people can still judge and project LOL.

At my core I act Vietnamese. I act like a combination of my dad and mom.

It seems the some people in public don’t understand what happens in society when new immigrants come.

As a Vietnamese person born in Canada, I don’t have not much in modern society so I got to strive to be relevant and get recognition. I got to to try to feel good and accomplished and add my contributions to society. This is just normal. Isn’t it?

Some “biased” people don’t want that???

The new immigrants are different. They think different and have their own unique goals. Only the immigrants themselves understand themselves and their motives. I don’t expect anyone to understand me no more.

I finally learned this now about myself after going in public and getting judge by “biased” people even at 40 years old LOL.

“Biased” people are established and maybe have become too comfortable thinking the same negatively stereotypical of others. That is how modern society is here in the West. The established people have their own views. People in modern society for the most part think negative and expect the worse.

I don’t expect anyone to understand me no more LOL. I finally accept this. Everyone has their own internal goals and struggles. I don’t expect to understand anyone else too LOL.

But luckily I live in Canada and I have the freedom to express and do what I can to add.

This is really a learning experience for me. I finally figured this out. I finally experienced enough to get to this point.

But all this is just 1-2 levels deep in “living”.

As an old man put in the old age bracket now, I am 99.9999% ignored. I get ignored buying iced coffees at McDonald’s waiting in line. People just look at me as a old man LOL. So all I have now is my “projects” for myself to enjoy. I am no longer relevant to mainstream public LOL. It is good and bad LOL. Good that I look mature and now put in the level to have to act mature. But I look old and get treated old LOL.

It took me 40 years to get peace of mind. I kind of new this would happen. But the reality is good. Getting treated old you get respect from younger people if they want to interact with you. They think you are wise and see themselves in you in time LOL.

Also if you don’t have things to do like “projects” and “hobbies”, then you grow up like a man-child focused on external validation and very superficial thinking 1-2 levels deep which is bad and not good for your health and well-being.

Out in the world here in Canada, I have one person that really understand my motives and goals. I got helped by that person. I feel solid when I think of that person who has helped me think so broad and wholesome. They just expect me to do my own thing regardless of outside opinion or criticism with my friends.

Also 99.9999999999% of the time when you hit middle-age for me is staying alone. When alone I think about old independent stuff. When I am out in public, public, I try to read social cues and energy to learn about people and get along and understand. Both continuing learning experiences. Outside in public it is trying to balance and share the space and teach and help. As a old man with some accomplishments, some accomplishments which are unique, I can show my energy and teach my ways to the public. As a old man now, it is just learning and you are expected to learn and teach. It is gratifying and feels good when you teach and show your unique energy and ways as an old wise man. You basically have become a teacher.

Also to further yourself both mentally and physically, you study the world, do your projects, give away what you can, do things with passion and a good heart. The more Western things you do, you become more good looking and healthy and smart.