
Updates (August 31, 2024)

Middle-age life for me … What am I experiencing???

Well I am doing two things now.

I am coding.

I am working with my dad.

I learned more about life at middle-age. You got to push and have to be sharp to stay strong and relevant. You need to be in “clicking” in the middle-aged level now. No need to work in young adult level now.

But as a old person now with what I have done so far, I enjoy. I drink my coffee, blog, reflect on life.

Even after working with my dad, reflecting on life, it is still your projects. You got to zone-out in your zone with your inner drive to feel complete full and collected and fast and cool. Your time to feel good and advanced.

When I was young, zoning out felt odd. I thought I needed to explore the world and people when I was young.

When I am older now, I want to zone out. I look forward to zone out. After doing everything I did and growing up and hitting middle-age, there is nothing really to do because you experienced a lot and look really forward to zone out in your man cave.

As I got older, it is the people who have things going on that are not problematic. The more I do “projects”, I feel at ease and happy growing and feeling good and relevant and a bit special. Developing something unique is what makes you feel good and unique and gives you the arm to have your own. Your own perspective and ways to talk, collaborate, compare, build. If I never did the projects for myself and with my friends I would be at a loss without being able to think and talk and get in with society. The more you focus on building your own lane, then you can get a way. This is very Western. This is what the real world is about, especially at middle-age. You have become an old fart. It is just old stuff now. Learning to live old.

You just got to work with people who have things going on. I need to focus with people on my frequency more to further develop projects. That is the only thing that makes me feel good and grows me.

When you go out into society, you are automatically placed in this middle-age thinking at middle-age as you have experienced all of young adult experiences and it is growth and reflection and living now.

People can judge you. Women can judge you. But after awhile at middle-age, you only have your projects to attend to. You enjoy yourself and find out what makes you happy in this old state. On the reverse, your projects enables you.

I think at old age like middle age, men just do projects and don’t want to be in the public spotlight displaying anything. You don’t have young adult feelings of just showing yourself in society. It is just grown up things.

Coding is going to take awhile. Just taking it easy at my pace for leisure and enjoyment. I need to get out more working with my dad and enjoying a meal at McDonald’s out in society. I need the sunlight and socialization with other old people.