
Updates (August 29, 2024)

The more you socialize with family and their spouse you grow and learn and develop more perspectives than just working with strangers.

Once they are family, you grow a new way of thinking and interacting of extending a branch to another tree. This grows you meshing into another world.

From my experience and perspective, when I was a young adult, I just thought how to just make money. I focused entirely on the set ways of becoming educated, working and thinking how to work harder and make things more efficient. Normal human needs and wants.

As I finally have socialized more with other Canadian-born and American-born people, you realize life can be so much more different and unique.

The Vietnamese way like my parents are all about how to work. That way I can have a family of my own. I would learn about the everyday stressors and issues arising from working, working.

I am socializing with more people from my culture and realize my culture. I never really understood my culture until socializing with more Vietnamese. We can think talk and say whatever we want without any issues. We have this mindset where everything is OK to talk about. It is normal for us and is not really critical.

I used to think I was Vietnamese or Asian but defined by the West or by other Asians. Now I realize from older Vietnamese we Vietnamese can define ourselves. I don’t have to think “generally Asian” or think in other peoples terms.

The more I think like Vietnamese from my region, I feel full and whole and same but different world that is attuned to me. Older Vietnamese from my region helped shape me and provided me insight into their experiences and perspective. They have a broader perspective than mine.

If they are older and more experienced and educated than me, they have a platform for me to experience and grow from. I can roam within this perspective and walk around it to see what it is.

With other people and younger, it is all about money most of the time. I can not function that way as I am old and need to venture out to do things that I like with other old people.

Maybe as an older person, you maybe able to develop and talk about older things and can make money doing that? Instead of the 9-5? Hmmm …

Whenever I go out in public, I just think generally how people generally label and treat each other here in Canada. When I go home I can be myself.

Sometimes the general treatment is bad out in public. I learned to develop and think on my own terms excluding the bad treatment I get. Like I develop my own things that is different from what generally people think and do and expect. That gave me an avenue to express myself and just be different and have a say. Everyone needs to do that. Everyone needs to develop that, to work in a society which has “bias” to give an alternative/own perspective that maybe eye opening.

So since I finished general school and worked now, I have a perspective.

I also learned that from socializing today how to respond to more criticism.

Since I like computers and I think I am stuck doing it … I really have to develop it and learn more. Learn more about everything … BUT take my time to ENJOY IT!

Maybe I compare and judge people first. But if the person is on my frequency then we both learn and grow together.

The problem I met during my university and college days was that I had my own pursuit and perspective and did not meet anyone who shared the same really. I worked since 14 years old and have some understanding about life and work. People at school wanted things immediately and they wanted control while I learned to take the time to enjoy and explore and grow.