
Updates (August 27, 2024)

I am trying to socialize more now.

I am trying to socialize with people my age more.

Life is just a learning experience. The more you socialize with working people the better.

When you work with people who are older like reaching 40 then you see entrepreneur spirit. They have become strong in work, work ethic and have at least 6 years of doing something entry-level work. They are moving towards making more money and possibly taking a stab of going out on their own with a group of friends (like minded individuals) to do something special for themselves for growth and independence in the big world.

At 40 years old, it is all socializing to share the experiences and feelings of other mature people to learn and share.

Life takes a new chapter instead of doing routine work and just waiting time to go and relying on a pension.

You really share experiences and share knowledge to let others know life isn’t just fun and games. You can really do something really big and experience more than just the world in front of you. You actually build.

For most of my life, I kind of wasted time thinking I did not have any consequences wasting time. But now I am pretty fully invested in not wasting time.

I would like to just sit in front of my computer and do stuff. This was how the colored immigrants for the last 200 years got their skills, education and high degrees. I learned enough about the world now to do the same. The goal is to get enough experience and skill to do high degrees and teach after.