
Updates (August 23, 2024)

All of this is just growing up and living.

I used to think there are goals in life, just goals. After accomplishing my goals, there is just work???

Getting the experience to feel and look old over the past couple of years was surprising and beneficial. Now all I do in this “old phase” is work and do the second chapter of life. I got like 30 years left to work and explore being old and staying healthy.

It is a relief to be mature now. I now seek mature things in life like studying and growing.

The most helpful thing was learning about my culture and socializing more to grow and experience life at older age.

Life at this age is just experiencing growth and new things. Lots of new thinking. Lots of development. Lots of asking questions.

After asking all the questions that I have, I grew.

Now I don’t act young no more. No young punk behaviour.

Now I can get my education and skills without the problems in schools and work as I am “really old” now.

I guess finally socializing asking all the burning questions about my culture and getting aged made me, me.

Getting old helped me get a life and stable thinking.

It is not about people no more. You do what you need as a old man now.

I see that there is actually a Vietnamese subculture in the West now. We Vietnamese have our own thing going on. I am learning about this now. But our culture is not really prominent or not that important because we try to grow outside it too trying to be Western liberal and outspoken. But the subculture is there. We have to think on our own terms and baseline. It actually only involves us Vietnamese trying to do our own thing and growing.

Things are very new. I studied and worked for 40 years trying to do more. I haven’t seen another Vietnamese old man who is exactly, exactly in my shoes. If I lived another life, I would have been working a job and had 2 kids by now. Is my trajectory really worth it? I feel so healthy and good when I grow and do new things. I am getting the respect from Canadians doing what I am doing. I am getting so many skills and life experiences …

At this point in life of being old, it is all good sleep and old stuff. I made to this point and am very comfortable.

I guess I had to study this much and experience life this much to protect myself from the harsh realities of the world. Being able to learn this much enabled me to be independent mostly and see through things and see through people in all places. I guess this was always the way.

Keeping a low profile concentrated on things I like to do and out of trouble is the way for excellent health. Good for the mind and body. I have some supporters who have guided me in life and understand my situation and circumstances why I do the things and am cornered in my corner.