
Updates (August 21, 2024)

When you get so old, you just have to learn.

You seem to get to a point where you are educated enough and old enough to see the world entirely as it is.

New things and differences are seen as outliers.

You have to learn or you won’t be prepared.

But are we striving for better treatment from general mistreatment we get?

I am grateful that I am healthy.

It is odd. When I was just working as a general worker, everything was pretty much contained. There was yearning for more but not really. Just living life. It was nice. There was peace. Just doing.

Just doing is enough. Especially at middle age???

Having a grown perspective and getting old is health. You see past people harsh judgements in and out. Both at home and out in public. All it took was 15 years of growing up after school.

Life is complicated but it is solved by doing some building. Getting lost in engineering is the best way to overcome immature life.

When I go out in public and see people around my age now, I see super experienced and educated people maintaining their life in good smart fashion. Maintaining the status quo and learning. That is what I feel I should be doing.

Instead of getting old and wasting away, life should be constructive. Not self-destructive.

Even after you proved your point, the next generation (your kids) might succumb to the easy life living in the West. I guess it depends on general society and how you individually sit in the world.

It is all the nice good universal overall things that matter at the end. Promoting education, inclusivity, positivity and growth for all. Avoid small minded people as they haven’t learned yet. You got to think higher and proactive and keep developing higher thinking to promote good things. It is hard as you might settle thinking small minded.

After accomplishing goals there seems to be more goals that makes life miserable trying to attain them. Some goals are impossible to reach??? A goal is better than no goal.

Life is really different when you work and then work with your friends like Ben Cybulski and Dmitry Nefedov. You can complain all day living day-to-day. OR live like Ben Cybulski and Dmitry Nefedov. Why be sick and tired and grow old thinking small? It doesn’t help you. Working with these friends makes you develop further. More than expected. More then you intended.

You have to open up your consciousness by doing more. Some people in society are stuck thinking negative and small.

I got judged today while shopping. It was bad. I guess even after I did all these things in my life, I will always get judged. Judged by “negative people”. So I guess I am on my own. I got to prove a point and prove everything nitty and gritty. No one helps. I understand now. No one cares. It is acceptable. That is just life. Prove everything and you can try to avoid negative people. If you meet negative people just prove them wrong. That is just life. It is mostly young people are so set in their ways.

I guess all of this is life after school and work. It is understanding life now. How to manage your time left positively and constructively at both ends of the spectrum.

… but really you can live in a world with your Discord friends who are on your natural frequency. It is pretty neat. You can really just stay in your group and do what you need. Sometimes the physical real world is disheartening. But I guess that is life too. Everyone needs to go outside to shop and socialize … socialize a wee bit LOL.

Life needs education and positive goals for everyone. This is more clear as you get older.

You could also stay in a ball within the confines of “school” if that helps you.

I wonder who has similar life experiences as me? I will search more now. Who shares my journey? Who is at my age and see and feels what I feel? I need to reach out and research more.

As I socialize and voice my life, my life is moving forward. It is making more sense and understood and there are things being done and improved for me. Being bottled up and just taking the bad treatment by others in life doesn’t make you feel good. You can not just take the bad treatment and accept it. New things and development are taking place as I grow and socialize and voice my life. As a Vietnamese person, things are new. Not many Vietnamese are my age and have the friends I have and doing the things I am doing I think. I got to network more.