
Updates (August 19, 2024)

All the young adult stuff doesn’t mean nothing I think when you get to this point.

How to enjoy life? How to enjoy it at my age?

Sometimes I forget what I have in the range of life compared to others. When I do look at it, it is bad. I got to avoid looking this way because it doesn’t help my case in the big scope of things. Sometimes I feel I just need to work with same frequency people only. I guess that is all there is? There is absolutely no point to think in the range really because it is not positive and not forward thinking.

Outside in public shopping I got judged badly yesterday. A couple of bad people projected their negativity. I guess I got to focus more on myself as a individual to develop. No need for bad people. I got to do better to project back. Avoid bad people entirely and work with my same frequency friends. Easy to sniff out the bad people. They have their reasons but whatever.

In the range of people, my life is OK. It is pretty good. Nothing to complain about really. I just need to reflect, appreciate, feel gratitude and do what I like for now. There is no point of dipping into experiences that don’t support what you really want deeply in this world. At my age now, it is just my niche focus and positive things that grow you the Western intellectual way.

Really, once you focus on building (engineering), all your negative emotions and bad impulses are controlled and extinguished. I need to teach that to my family. Once you can build literally anything then life is good.

Once you have worked with Ben Cybulski for years, then life is all positive and good. The trajectory is all positive.

What is interesting is seeing people who are really glued working in computers programming. The higher ups working on improving things.

Taking the time relax and think calm and normal.

Eventually, when everyone has reach a point where they are pretty much satisfied with their knowledge, skills and experiences (work and personal) in the world, they think more universal and helpful and very Western. I guess I am at the point in my life where I need to work with the higher ups and try to tag along and help. I know my position in society and how I am and how I naturally think, feel and look. It is now just aiding, working and helping along now.

It is OK to think normal. I have to accept how I naturally think. But it does get boring at times if you think so solely for yourself. It might be good to differentiate and separate and make boundaries for space and to think singularly and for more clarity. But eventually you might want to think like Ben Cybulski to think out of the ordinary. Thinking with Ben is a way to grow and cycle to continue to improve your thinking.

I guess at this point in time, you ask please give me a job and give me a job that you think I deserve. I reached a comfortable position where I know some stuff and can do some stuff. I can not do the elite stuff that requires 20 years of programming experience but I know some things and can do some things. Thinking open and positive and for growth, I am willing to learn in a good encouraging environment. I have to think and ask maybe.